(08-11-2012 08:32 AM)someone Kukulcan Wrote: I have had this happen 3 times now where a kitten box has been sold to me and it was a copy of a original. All 3 times I have had to take the lose on the kittens. I think there should be a way to tell if it is a copy or not. I always click the box and look at the kittens parents and traits so if it is showing me the kitten shouldnt the kitten be in the box and not a copy ? I would think it would not show me anything if it was a copy of a original.
Unfortunately the only way you find the duplicates, apparently, is to birth them. This can happen if someone thinks a box is 'missing' and requests a replacement, and somehow they get two of the same box. Until both are 'birthed' it normally doesn't show up, I'm not sure why. I would suggest that you contact the sellers of they boxes. Any reputable seller will fix this situation for you, at the very least get you a refund.