RE: Cattery (on an LG Optimus Black)
I know what you two feel! I have an HTC Wildfire and I'm well aware that the screen is not supper big, i just wish i could scroll to check all my cats in the cattery and interact with them (wake them, give them potions etc) Only because of this i just do not bother buying milk for the cattery cause there's no way i can control when the cats have reached the required stats to breed. So i keep there those i can wait until I can log in world (which is most of my cats actually) It's nice to be able to see the boxes list and check the stats of a new born kitten but not being able to control the rest just stole some of the shine of the cattery option for me. I love it when i'm in world and i plan my projects but it doesn't help me much on the go.
A text only version would be fantastic (images help a lot but i don't find it essential on the go) not to mention a mobile app!
I hope we can get a solution for this!