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Cattery (on an LG Optimus Black) - Printable Version

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Cattery (on an LG Optimus Black) - Lixy Byron - 07-25-2012 08:30 AM

Hiya Smile

in these days i moved from an home to another and i've been internetless Smile
so put all my cats in the cattery with food and milk and did an excell list for pair them and do it by the phone.


i'm glad that there is this chance but Smile

was easy send them in cattery
was easy buy for them food and milk

was not easy find them!

can scroll only horizontally and can't sort them in any kind of criterion.
they are there, just separate male from female from couples and boxes
but the way that are in the male/female etc it's ?

and can't pair them because for do this have to find a cat then by image find also the partner.. so this was hard in the little screen of the phone (it's an LG Optimus Black, so it's not soooo little screen, but not a superbigger one).

if click on a cat and select the pedigree can't click on another cat and see it
so the only way for see them was by the cattery and this really took much much time..

thank you for give us this cattery option but please could be more "quick and easy" access them? (my internet on the phone, for example, it's not a flat so each minute is charged Smile


RE: Cattery (on an LG Optimus Black) - Malicia Python - 07-25-2012 10:56 PM

Scrolling and waiting operating an iPhone made me wish for a text only version, like the hud plus the cattery functions for mobile devices (not to mention a flashy app XD).
Sometimes I need to wake cats when out and about because they only have a small time window both can mate. So, for me even a sorting of the pairs according to their love %age would help, too.

RE: Cattery (on an LG Optimus Black) - Giuliana Verrazzano - 08-01-2012 09:20 AM

I know what you two feel! I have an HTC Wildfire and I'm well aware that the screen is not supper big, i just wish i could scroll to check all my cats in the cattery and interact with them (wake them, give them potions etc) Only because of this i just do not bother buying milk for the cattery cause there's no way i can control when the cats have reached the required stats to breed. So i keep there those i can wait until I can log in world (which is most of my cats actually) It's nice to be able to see the boxes list and check the stats of a new born kitten but not being able to control the rest just stole some of the shine of the cattery option for me. I love it when i'm in world and i plan my projects but it doesn't help me much on the go.

A text only version would be fantastic (images help a lot but i don't find it essential on the go) not to mention a mobile app!

I hope we can get a solution for this!
