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* New Destiny Rivers Eyes *
10-05-2017, 11:06 AM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2017 07:41 PM by kittyclawz Resident.)
Post: #29
RE: * New Destiny Rivers Eyes *
Currently breeding the grotto kitten i got back from breeding with destiny rivers, with exjourney gaining love as we speak will update when they pop the first kitty and see if the grotto is hiding the destiny rivers Smile

[Image: Kittylicious-19.png]
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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk , Arwen Swordthain
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* New Destiny Rivers Eyes * - Lixy Byron - 06-22-2017, 07:53 AM
RE: * New Destiny Rivers Eyes * - kittyclawz Resident - 10-05-2017 11:06 AM

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