RE: Exclusivity profiler ??
India you have done nothing wrong. I am very sorry this has happened to you and it is heartbreaking to read what happened. It is not true that only one or two people use both and this is proved if you look at the names of breeders on both profile sites. There are quite a lot using both. Or trying to use both I should say because to use both would be to have no threats and harassment. As you know this is not easy and does not happen.
To all of you who deny this problem and refuse to see it, I do not understand that. It is bullying and done with laughing about it to boot when banning somebody. Just horrible and cruel with no respect. How anyone can ignore that or turn a blind eye to it, I do not understand. We should care about each other in our community and not turn a blind eye to what happens like it did to India here now. It is not okay at all. It is normal that any product has its' competitors. It is not normal that a creator tries to bully and threaten to even ban customers in order to deal with that competition and keep a monopoly.
India there is no notecard for exclusive application because it does not exist. When terms of use and conditions for use apply it should be stated well before purchase. It is dishonest and quite frankly a fraud not to state such information and let people buy it first with no chance of refund when they realize what they got into and what a mess it is. It should be stated for what happens to us when we do not agree but it will not be because this creator would never sell one again if he was honest about it what he does to people. No one buying this product entered into any agreement we would tolerate harassment, terms of use, or exclusivity.
The same happens to many. It happened to me and others I know all because we will not do what what is demanded. You spend money on this type of profiler you have mentioned, and after you have paid but only after, you then receive threats and get banned if you do not comply with the bullying demands to use only this profiier. But plz know India and many others who went through this you did nothing wrong and you are not to blame at all. Plz also understand this behavior is not at all associated with KittyCatS themselves. He has nothing to do with them and they are very good people.