I actually cried a little when I got mine cause I was so happy. (It was a gift from Draco; I was so excited to see they're giftable!) I don't know if y'all saw what I posted on my flickr, but almost the FIRST gift Draco gave me when we joined SL four years ago was a shoulder tiger. It was so very important to me that he started looking for one the minute he mastered the SL controls. It was given to me about a week after we joined, and for more than four years, I've been wishing I had a shoulder tiger I could interact with better. I won't go into why it's so important to me, but it is.
Anyway, this has been something I've longed for since kittycats began. They look so lovely, and I adore my lil teacup gentleman. I named him Surasundara cause supposedly it means Divine Beauty and he insisted it's his name. It's apt... He's the prettiest kitten I could ask for.
Also, I'm really excited to see you guys follow through with something you've been promising for a long time. I think the way you implemented it was excellent, and it makes me feel good, like all the time and money and love I've put into this breedable over the past year+ has been honored. Thank you.