Charm's answers will be different. But *I* say, answering for her:
1) All of A, B and C; never D.
2) All or A, B, and C; never D.
3) C; used to be A; (if you answered B or D you're lying)
4) All of A, B and C; never D
And you forgot question 5
5. When asked if you're addicted, do you
A. point at your partner's link to /r/programming on his desktop and ask who's really addicted to what
B. lay on the couch using your iPhone to access the kittycats marketplace so he can't see over your shoulder
C. have a special tone set up for kittycats emails and text notifications so you know if it's worth getting up for at 4AM
D. admit you did go overboard, once, years ago, and are carefully watching your cat count these days