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08-19-2016, 07:42 PM
Post: #8
Signs that you are addicted:

1. When your partner asks you how many cats do you have, do you

A. Change the subject. Bringing up your latest gacha purchase (hiding an addiction within an addiction)
B. Lie, telling your partner you only have 10% or 25% of your true numbers
C. Get insulted. After all, no one should ask a person their age or their number of cats
D. Tell the truth

2. When budgeting for kibble, do you

A. Justify it by remembering that cat you sold at auction that got a bid war started. Was that last week? No wait! That was four months ago. Oh well, you're putting up a new kitty tomorrow. Surely tomorrow ... dreams of a huge catfight.
B. Balance the books by not counting auction buys, milk, vitamins or store rents. Only cat sales and kibble buys count.
C. Pull out your credit card, rolling your eyes at the word budget. Who does that?
D. Carefully monitor all outgoes and incoming and matching it Linden for linden.

3. On auctions, do you

A. hop from auction to auction. Signing up for auctioneers and groups to IM you whenever one is starting. Search the calendar to ensure that every hour on SL is filled with the sound of kittys for sale. Meanwhile promising yourself tomorrow you'll quit.
B. send money to your alt before going because you are careful with your lindens. Then get into a catfight over a kitty so you transfer the lindens back fast and buy more lindens because dammit! you want that cat and no way is She/He going to beat you.
C. have a cat up on a panel. Then buy three cats costing twice as much because they are sooo pretty and unbelievable bargains.
D. Decide not to go today because you'd rather explore an art sim.

4. On the secondary market, do you

A. wander kitty sims for hours because you've decided to collect all the furs and eyes just to have them in your cattery
B. have 4,000 boxes in your cattery and look at the stores thinking maybe you should sell a couple
C. lm stores to come back to -- then carefully move the lms to the 20 or so folders that you have categorized kittystores into
D. who shops? you have enough cats.

if you answered A, B, or C, you are addicted
If you answered D, I don't believe you. Maybe you did that once but that was a long time ago.

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk , Reven Rosca , Winter Phoenix , Alassariah Resident , CarlottaAdagio Resident
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RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Ellen Ireland - 08-13-2016, 11:52 AM
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RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Callie Cline - 08-14-2016, 01:53 AM
RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Kayla Woodrunner - 08-19-2016 07:42 PM
RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Tad Carlucci - 08-20-2016, 07:49 AM

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