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08-15-2016, 05:50 PM
Post: #6
Yeppers ! You caught me i'm totally addicted.

Been here a little over 3 years now. I found out about KittyCatS on a Wrong turn on a LM looking for a store that I knew of a few years before that. That was no longer there. I landed and thought they had just changed the appearance of the place cause it had been years! Well I a saw a few cats out side and things that looked like mice at first. Went in and there were even more. I turned around and saw this huge Kitty in a Cowboy Hat laying on the ground on it's back barely breathing it looked like. I thought it was dying...lol. But these Rainbow kitties i saw every where were so beautiful and I needed to know more!!!!! So i tracked things down and found the Addicts Group [Man was that the purrfect name for it...LOLOL] Well in the group i was asking questions about them and ect. Then i get a message from one of the members of the group [Cricket] with more answers to my questions and i got to see her kitties as well. Then you know what she did ? ? ? ? She gave me a Kitty and helped me learn how to birth it and take care of it. I even learned how to name him. He was named Veeter. Veeter was a Gen Dom Kitty. Man Do I Love him!!! So did My RL Little Boys. One of My Boys said he needed a girl Kitty so off to the main shop we went and we got a starter girl kittyI didn't know no thing about traits or that there were other places to buy kitties and nothing about kitty markets and auctions and everything else. But I knew where to get the food. Cricket took me. That is how i knew where to get a girl kitty. Smile Cricket help teach me a little here and there at first and much more along the way and the rest was History. Heart 1,00s of kitties later and i'm still here. I Love them so much and the KittyCatS Community. I now ofcoarse make houses and beds and collars and gagets and what-notts for the kitties.
It all started with a wrong turn on a TP/LM and the help of My Cricket. Oh and all those Rainbow Kitties!!!!! Man i couldn't' find the place again but man there were alot of them along with the other kitties. Man that was alot of K$$$$$ oh and the ones i thought were mice were not mice they were new born kitties.

This is My totals on my Tigger BounceBounce now i do have more on a couple other AV's but i have no clue how many. Plus recently Sold, Traded, gave away and found new homes for a LOT on this AV.
Total: 55 Cats (♀ 26 ♂ 29) | 181 Boxes (♀ 90 ♂ 91)

Welcome to KittyCatS Heart

~ Tigger BounceBounce - VeetMesser

*~* This And That Cats *~* Click Here For Taxi
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RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Ellen Ireland - 08-13-2016, 11:52 AM
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RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Callie Cline - 08-14-2016, 01:53 AM
RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - VeetMesser Resident - 08-15-2016 05:50 PM
RE: ARE YOU ADDICTED TOO? - Tad Carlucci - 08-20-2016, 07:49 AM

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