[Update] NO Downtime for Maintenance database
sorry ^^ we have a New Tool for you
[CaT] Sim KittyCats Counter:
This device collect all cats on a sim and let you see who has how many cats and if they are in the same group as the counter, which can be usefull info, if you share food.
It can collect about 1600 cats, organized in 4 slots a 400, which are assigned to different owners. This means if per random choice one user with 300 and another with 150 cats are using the same slot, only 400 cats will be acocunted for.
If you click on the counter you wil get an info, how many cats you have set out and if they are in the same group as the counter.
The counter will change colors on his faces to signal different working states of the scripts inside.
It is possible to configue the counter if you edit its name and add some parameters divided by comma.
,N to only show the amount of cats not in group
,G to only show the amount of cats in group
,B show both values (thats same as default, without any parameter)
,T show only the total amount (in plus outside group) of cats
you can additionally add a 2nd par
,O to not show the cats of the owner of the counter
As this device works passively listening to a beacon, there is with many cats on a sim a high chance of miscounting,
because the KittyCats creators choose to synch the beacon on region-restart, which just overflood the counter,
you can see this effect on old Huds, too. By the time and if rezzing by hand the beacon gets better spread in time.