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[Image: 5f371ef992cd86e07b7911533933edd4.png]
proudly presents

[CaT] KittyCats! Tools

All Tools here -> on my Marketplace Store
or view all in SL Here (click for Surl)
(EDIT 08-23-2024 :New INWolrd Store )

(or shout me a IM what you want and send it to you for free if i come online)


[CaT] Hover Set-O-Matic NEW

[Image: 1c88a0e8f8558d9c81437d6da3a9a4f3.png]


rezz the "[Cat] Hover Set-O-Matic"

thats all Wink

This device listens to the beacon your cats send, group them into 4 groups and set the hovertexts individually.
Also as byproduct it can send you an IM if your cat starts or ends his breeding cycle.

For each group you can indivually set the hovertexts via a notecard.
The groups are permapet, freshborn, breeader, aged.
Also you can switch the IM off, if you want.

The device is limited to 300 of your cats.


As this device works passively listening to a beacon, there is with many cats on a sim a high chance of miscounting,
because the KittyCats creators choose to synch the beacon on region-restart, which just overflood the counter,
you can see this effect on old Huds, too. By the time and if rezzing by hand the beacon gets better spread in time.

Due to updates to the cats it can be possible that this device won't work anymore and maybe can't be fixed.

[CaT] Sim KittyCats Counter:

[Image: 42f61675173ccf3c4700a57a4bc24dae.jpg]

This device collect all cats on a sim and let you see who has how many cats and if they are in the same group as the counter, which can be usefull info, if you share food.

It can collect about 1600 cats, organized in 4 slots a 400, which are assigned to different owners. This means if per random choice one user with 300 and another with 150 cats are using the same slot, only 400 cats will be acocunted for.

If you click on the counter you wil get an info, how many cats you have set out and if they are in the same group as the counter.

The counter will change colors on his faces to signal different working states of the scripts inside.

It is possible to configue the counter if you edit its name and add some parameters divided by comma.
,N to only show the amount of cats not in group
,G to only show the amount of cats in group
,B show both values (thats same as default, without any parameter)
,T show only the total amount (in plus outside group) of cats

you can additionally add a 2nd par
,O to not show the cats of the owner of the counter

As this device works passively listening to a beacon, there is with many cats on a sim a high chance of miscounting,
because the KittyCats creators choose to synch the beacon on region-restart, which just overflood the counter,
you can see this effect on old Huds, too. By the time and if rezzing by hand the beacon gets better spread in time.

[CaT] Breeder HUD 2.0
Oneclick Hud for all your KittyCats on the Sim.

*Start Up:
-wear the Hud
-click on the Buttons
-click on the Middle will close the hud and make a little logo in the corner

rightclick the Hud -> choose edit and change in the Content Tab the "config" NC for set your defaults

*Buttons :

wakeup all - all Kitty over 25% Energy wake up.
all home - send all Kitty Home
set home - set Postion to home for all Kitty (set on click no safty ask)

set for this Option your own Default
in the "config" inside the HUD

Set Range -set Range of all Kitty (default "parcel" )
Set Text -set Hovertext for all Kitty (default Gender,Age,Name,Love,Energy )
Set Animation -set Animation for all Kittys (default all off)
Set Pose - set Pose for all Kitty ( default off)

[CaT] Calc-o-Cat 1.48+
- Detects if milk is available (can take up to 10 minutes) and then displays the the milk costs for the breeders
- Finds all your cats and sorts them into the following groups:
*Permapets: no food = no food costs
*Breeders: For all cats aged between 7 and 120 days + milk costs charged if applicable
*Non Breeders: for all under the age of 7 and more than 120 days, or on "Breed Off" (♥ off) which are charged
only half the food costs (and don't need milk)
- Updates hourly or when touched
- Display all found Cat-Sizes

[CaT] Feed-O-Mat advanced
No longer on the MP!
works only with "Prim" Food/Milk not with the Online KC-Food ...
if u need this for your "Prim" Food/milk shout me a IM
(maybe you own not the KC-Feeder)

This is a simple 1 Prim food and milk rezer for your shop or cattery.

- autorezes KittyCatS! food and/or milk
- display in the menu currently stored Milk & Foods
- sends a IM if it rezed one of the last 4 portions
- sends a IM if run out of food and Milk (with SURL to KC Mainstore)
- left click for Rez-Option
- display how long food & milk sufficient (estimated time)

[CaT] Find-a-Box 'n Mark
after you rez the [Cat] Find-a-Box 'n Mark and your kitty's birth a box now, become you a IM with may Infos about the Box
and a Cat Marker with a Hover Text (show traits only ) rezz over every Box.
The Marker moves with the box and stay if you switch from Box to Image Mode and back.
To remove the marker click on it or take the box or put in the Cattery,
if the Marker see his box not for a while , will remove it self.
the [Cat] Find-a-Box 'n Mark self will display a Hover Text that count
the Sizes of your Boxes and display how many Megas,Normals ... you got .

[CaT] Home Call

after rez the [CaT] Home call and you now click on the Gong (hud or rez)
go out a call to your all Kittys to come home for Food Wink

All your Kittys on the Sim will jump back on here Home Point on the Sim Smile

[CaT] Kittycats-Shelf-Mesh

Kitty Cats Mesh Shelf for your Cats/Boxes Smile

all 9 letters linked = 6 Prims LI
every letter only 0.5 Prim LI
it is mesh Wink

[CaT] KittyFunBox for Pictures

*Quick setup
. rez
.rightclick and touch to change the Gender Texture
.sit on it
.change pose in menu
.make a Picture from your Specialborn KittyBox Wink

[CaT] Flower-O-Mat & Autopedigree for Kittycats!™

- creates a hovertext with all your Kitties traits (Genesis will not be displayed)
- will display Gender, Age, Name and Love % if Love is higher then 0%
- will also display if the kitty is a Toy, Teacup or even Permapetted
- the flower will also grow with your kitty and will therefore adjust its size due to the kitties need
- in case you are adding a picture into the frame (edit mode add content) the picture will be displayed above your cat
- the flower will automatically add the Kitty ID into the description of the frame -
there with you can easily access the pedigree page (contains the original KittyCats Pedigree Script)
-deactivate from Name and/or Trait Hovertext
-color the Flowerborder in "Gendercolor"

[CaT] Frame-O-Mat & Autopedigree for Kittycats!™ "2D Cat Frame"

* works only with living Kittys ( no boxes atm)
* This frame has the following features:

- creates a hovertext with all your Kitties traits (Genesis will not be displayed)
- will display Gender, Age, Name and Love % if Love is higher then 0%
- will also display if the kitty is a Toy, Teacup or even Permapetted
- will change its color to match your cats gender (blue for male cat and pink for female cats)
- the frame will also grow with your kitty and will therefore adjust its size due to the kitties need

Heart Tijakool [CaT]

In case of problems, feedback or anything else pls contact Tijakool Yiyuan

© Copyright-Design&Idea Tijakool Yiyuan . All Rights Reserved.
This System is powered with Carrots.
©Copyright-Scripts Cale Flanagan. All Rights Reserved.

(EDIT 08-23-2024 :New INWolrd Store )
always such awesome products! My non-mathy brain would explode without your birth time calculator, I am eternally grateful! Love the new "-o-traits" very neat!
I Heart the feather one!
I love it too, Giulia!!!!!!!!! Heart And all the others too, but the feather one omg! Awesome items Tij!!!!!!
WANTS!!!!!!! ( no kitties to sell but I bet my babies will like to watch what's in it! )
Hi Tija, I'm going to head over to the store but just wanted to let you know that this last batch is not going to the marketplace page when clicked on. Maybe these aren't added to the MP yet?
Love your stuff !!!
awwww very cute indeed! I love the mushroom!
[Update] NO Downtime for Maintenance database Big GrinTongue

joking... Big Grin sorry ^^ we have a New Tool for you Wink

[CaT] Sim KittyCats Counter:

[Image: 42f61675173ccf3c4700a57a4bc24dae.jpg][Image: 8d30f053daa603cb64490ba50e6ffd5f.png]

This device collect all cats on a sim and let you see who has how many cats and if they are in the same group as the counter, which can be usefull info, if you share food.

It can collect about 1600 cats, organized in 4 slots a 400, which are assigned to different owners. This means if per random choice one user with 300 and another with 150 cats are using the same slot, only 400 cats will be acocunted for.

If you click on the counter you wil get an info, how many cats you have set out and if they are in the same group as the counter.

The counter will change colors on his faces to signal different working states of the scripts inside.

It is possible to configue the counter if you edit its name and add some parameters divided by comma.
,N to only show the amount of cats not in group
,G to only show the amount of cats in group
,B show both values (thats same as default, without any parameter)
,T show only the total amount (in plus outside group) of cats

you can additionally add a 2nd par
,O to not show the cats of the owner of the counter

As this device works passively listening to a beacon, there is with many cats on a sim a high chance of miscounting,
because the KittyCats creators choose to synch the beacon on region-restart, which just overflood the counter,
you can see this effect on old Huds, too. By the time and if rezzing by hand the beacon gets better spread in time.

Heart Tija

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