I would love a "Send to Menagerie" from within the Cattery for boxes at least.
General UI improvement is needed. Currently the workflow is very messy. In particular sending cats back into secondlife. Its difficult to actually find the cat/box you are looking for still without referring to the pedigree or using a search function. Would be great to be able to view the pedigree BEFORE the cat/box is sent back to SL. Also boxes and cats separated instead of a huge list of everything on one page.
Something along the lines of:
Hud > Boxes or Cats
Boxes or Cats > List
User Choice > Pedigree > Send to SL.
Also would like to add the site is not mobile friendly nor designed to be as such which makes it difficult to use on a mobile device.
So the option to switch to "mobile friendly" design would be awesome when viewing on Android/iPad or other.