First of all thumbs up for creating the CaTTery!

Ofcourse there will be a lot of people with idea's for making the cattery more to their liking, so here is a start with my idea for the first update. Maybe we can post our ideas here so KittyCats can see if some of the ideas can be implemented.
I hope there will be an option to create folders or something to group my cats. In SL I had them in different sections on my land and I would like the possibillity to create something like that in the cattery as well.
Looking forward to all the other suggestions!
Oh and a deep bow for the 15 minute unpacking time. Thank you!

I love this idea Yip I'm a different sections person as well:-)
Also and I mentioned this in an earlier post I would love to see a storage location not only for boxes but also for live cats we currently have in inventory which we can exclude from food (waiting for permapet or for other reasons in inventory).
It is such a hassle to rezz them in case they need an update especially with huge amounts while I love they receive automatic updates in the online cattery.
If at all possible I would love to see boxes and cats keep their name when they are retreived.
An in world IM/ E-mail possibility and up front warning just as when the food server is almost empty.
A transfer possibility from one online cattery to an other in cases such as trading and the possibility to invite one in your cattery for mutiple owners couples.
Perhaps some of my suggestions are already current I have to admit I didn't test it much:-)
So far I store my inventory cats without food lol
I'd like to see the kitties in Cattery sortable by various filters kinda like the hud. I'd like to be able to sort by Love, Age, number of traits would be nice and I would love to be able to sort by parent or parents. Maybe have a button that says "show offspring" and "show paretns" I know when you click a box it opens a pedigree, but maybe if we could type in a cat's name and have all the offspring come up that would be so helpful to plan breeding etc. And I agree..this has been an awesome update and I love the Cattery

First of all, bravo for this great update.
One thing I would like is to see the number of male and female I've in the cattery like we can see at the bottom of the boxes pages.
Another little thing is I would prefer to scroll down than to scroll on the side or to have the choice.
I would like to know if people having an IPad can scroll their cattery, I can't because it is a scroll on the side and for some reasons it dont work on my IPad.
Thank you KC team for your hard work !
My notes are in a thread I started under Feedback. I meant to start it under Bugs and Fleas (or maybe it got moved?). I won't repost them here, and I'll keep using my thread as more occur to me.
The OP idea for organization is an excellent suggestion, as are the followups.
I will point out, however, that the comment about automatic updates only hold if you have a current Dock; as I noted in my comments. If your Dock is out-of-date the cats and boxes brought back from the Cattery will be out-of-date as well.
Wow nice suggestions I like all of them.
And yes intuitive I would love to scroll down instead of sideways as well

I love this new release btw I'm in total owe in how much efforts are given to make having KittyCatS so convenient and fun, congrats!
(04-20-2012 11:51 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]I will point out, however, that the comment about automatic updates only hold if you have a current Dock; as I noted in my comments. If your Dock is out-of-date the cats and boxes brought back from the Cattery will be out-of-date as well.
Ah this is good to know!
But still way more convenient to get an updated Dock instead of rezzing a billion kitties

When I look up a box in the Cattery, it would be good if it said "Cattery" just like menagerie's cats say "Menagerie" when I look them up. That way, I would more easily know where to find it.
Also, I would like to have a way to see a certain cat's kittens - even if I no longer have the cat, especially if it is in menagerie.
Some boxes I used to keep in folders with one or both parents' names on it, and some of these boxes are so old that their parents are not easily looked up in menagerie - some of them not at all, unless I keep some descendant of theirs.
As it is now, if I want to see how many boxes I still have from my first cat, Ching, I will HAVE TO remember at least one of her boxes, look that up, click on it's mom (Ching), and THEN I can see what boxes she had and how many I still own.
I'd take Saga's idea to a non-Cattery thread, rephrase it and add my own comments about the Pedigree area"
Feature request: Finish the Menagerie page(s). You started them long ago and never finished them. The longer we go without them the harder it is for those who've been around a while to check on their own stock.
Bugfix request: Re-connect links from owned-parents to owned-offspring. It makes it very hard to browse around trying to find something specific when you can't follow a link from Mom or Dad to a Box, but you can a link from the Box to Mom or Dad. We have dozens with this problem and it's hard remembering which boxes can't be found by looking for their parents.
I would love a "Send to Menagerie" from within the Cattery for boxes at least.
General UI improvement is needed. Currently the workflow is very messy. In particular sending cats back into secondlife. Its difficult to actually find the cat/box you are looking for still without referring to the pedigree or using a search function. Would be great to be able to view the pedigree BEFORE the cat/box is sent back to SL. Also boxes and cats separated instead of a huge list of everything on one page.
Something along the lines of:
Hud > Boxes or Cats
Boxes or Cats > List
User Choice > Pedigree > Send to SL.
Also would like to add the site is not mobile friendly nor designed to be as such which makes it difficult to use on a mobile device.

So the option to switch to "mobile friendly" design would be awesome when viewing on Android/iPad or other.
I will chime in here quickly as well -- I am not using the cattery at all, nor will I until some improvements are made because at the moment it is unusable for me given my organization in SL. These have both already been mentioned and I would repeat and second/third/fourth them:
1) A way for boxes and cats to keep their names when transferring to and from the Cattery. Currently I lose all that info and for me it is more than just a quick way to reference traits on a box without rezzing it. Being able to see the parents and know what it potentially hides just by looking at the name is far more advantageous to me than a list of traits with no parent names as it currently is in the Cattery.
2) A way to sort, group, and/or separate cats and boxes. Many of us have our boxes organized in our inventory in folders. Others have them organized in their catteries by certain various methods, myself included. It would be much more helpful to be able to sort them or group them in the online cattery in a similar way.
Thanks for this last update and for all your hard work with the Cattery as I know it was a tremendous achievement!