(06-12-2015 09:08 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote:
Sounds like you really, really don't like mass teleports 

heheheehe Well they all Good in Moderation! But So many from a hand full of people each and every single day of the week for .... MONTHS !
And no Friendly chit chat for months!!! and a couple of them only a little chit chat when they see me at a event and not responding to Friendly IM????
I know there not a bot at the other End 100% I talked to them in Local or Some turn into a Bot. I don't want to be friends with a Bot. Well .... I got My Own Bots to be Friends with if I want to talk to my self hahahahhaha.
Trust me I do that enough in RL I don't need to talk to my self in SL too hahahhahaha
(06-13-2015 12:11 AM)MsMagick Resident Wrote: I'm with Veet on this one. There is one person that I removed from my friends list weeks ago, that I got several TPs from at the same time the other day. I finally just blocked him. He's not someone that I care to talk to anymore anyway.
My boy is in a contest for SL's Sexiest Hunk. I sent out a notecard to selected friends who know him at the beginning of the event, and promised them that I wouldn't bother them about it again. And I haven't, even though my girl and I go by to vote every day.
As far as I'm concerned, friends don't spam friends. One at the beginning of an event is okay, IF I've said I'd like to know when it's happened, but sending me three at once? Or many throughout the event? Really? That's not friendship. That's just advertising!
Well I would Love to talk to a couple of them I had to remove but they just don't want to talk to me. And those that know me know I Love to talk. Well 98% to 99% of the time.
I totally can see wanting to support your Friends I do have some that send me a note card about events as well. Or a Flyer Texture about an Up Coming event or Pardon Auction they having that is all Good cause it not like a billion times up to the event.

or I even have one person maybe two that will send out a Flyer a week a two a head and then again a day or two before and then send a mass TP or invite just before the event or a conference IM to all of us. Now that might sound like a lot but it not since it maybe a once a month or once every couple of months event. That is totally kool with me.
I understand being excited about something. Shoot if I ever have a freaking amazing special kitty up for auction which has happen once or twice in the past 2 years I will be telling every body! hahahhaha. I was telling people even not on my Friends list but i just knew in passing on One Kitty one Time

Only one person got pissy but jsut figured they having a bad day. Now if i had those freaking amazing Kitties each and every day or week that is what My Group or FaceBook or subscriber [which i need to reset up agian since the move] is for
Yep i'm one of those that people ask to know about this and that and ect and to let them know and i forget who I was sopose to IM or let know hahahhaa. I know one time i had so so so many people want to know about something and i totally blanked and lost the notecard i had everyones name in. So i sent out a message to everyone that I thought might have asked. I felt so stupid when i got some of my Non-KittyCats owner Friends mixed up with the ones I know from KittyCats hahahaha
Oh But there is one AV I have know of them from their works out side of KittyCats since like 2007 or 2008 and then got to know them better in KittyCats. then I got another awesome person that I knew from their products and became a Fan of their Textures before I even knew they were in KittyCatS. What a small world [well sort of] hehehehehe.