I agree that encountering a MegaPuss for sale in the secondary market is much more prominent as individuals may feel more compelled to try selling a MegaPuss versus a Bigger de Big and a MegaPuss will often sell for more than the other 'special' sizes. I see the least amount of Petites and Bigger de Bigs in the secondary market.
I don't think this is indicative of the rarity in an actual cattery though, I actually find that I get more teacups (and see about as many teacups in the secondary market as MegaPuss) in my cattery and I know others probably have results much different than my own perspective.
I'd totally love to see a size percentage chart though as I don't think we'll ever be given true confirmation on the 'drop rates' of the special sizes and will have to compile our own research as a community.
(04-01-2013 09:07 AM)Misa Delight Wrote: Hellos Winter!
There is a search but I only see it after I click on a search-ish link - like "View Today's Posts" and then at the top I see:
KittyCats › Search
Clicking on Search takes me to the search page. But then I have to wait a few seconds before I can actually search because it limits the number of searches per minute.
There is probably an easier way to get to the search but that is how I find it!
Thank you for teaching me something new today, Misa! Hopefully the search function can be added to a part of the main forum page because for as much time as I've spent on the forum, only reading your post just now made me realize we have some form of a search! LOL