Autumn.. can you pair or have your paired that AM-DC kitten against a very recessive fur (like Tonk Blue Mink or Aussie Blue Marble, for example)... to find out what the hidden fur is?
From that pedigree we really can not determine anything, as we do not know what furs the parents could be hiding. One parent hid AM-DC, but the other parent is an unknown hidden at this point... so we don't know what the kitten hides either.
If you do a test mating to pull the hidden fur, and it is a fur that falls within the currently known range, then that would be wonderfully helpful.
And Arwen... if we can get pedigree proofs that the AM-DC is recessive to the Bali Flame, yes, that should place it! Do you recall who might have done those breedings, so as to ask if they will share pedigrees? That would save us all a lot of time and effort if it's already been proven in someone's personal cattery. <3