Ah! Kayla, I always thought it was the same for gaining love. I usually cuddle mine, and never noticed a fast jump. I usually cuddle all of them at the same time though whether anyone is catching up or not. (If I just feel like picking one up, I'll often pick a newly rezed baby or a perma cause the permas don't get them every day.) I only use milk in the cattery or when I have a live one that isn't already at 100% out for sale somewhere, so I've never really watched them that closely side-by-side.
And, yes, Shamu077, cuddling them definitely is the fastest way to increase happiness.
*nods* I forgot about the Q&A's yesterday - it was that kind of day for me all the way around - but I usually go to at least one of them every time that Kitten does them. I always learn something new (that's where I learned about the solid vs. clear happy faces), and yes, at the end, there are always free goodies too!! (Collars and such. We keep asking for free PermaPets potions, but... oh well!