RE: Mass Teleports?
I have to agree I hate getting multiple mass TP's. I think I may have upset one auctioneer when after arriving at the auction 3 people including the auctioneer sent me a TP to that location and I was rather vocal about it in local chat. More irritaing than getting 3 tp's to an auction in 5 minutes is getting 3 TP's to an auction you are ALREADY AT!
I admit I send out mass TP's, but I check first if people are present, only send to those I think will be interested and always always respond if they IM me to say they can't come.
We are never going to stop them but senders could minimise the impact on people by checking first to see if they are already there, only send out TP's later in the auction to people that have come online since the first batch, if they didn't take the first or the second they ain't gonna take the third and if they get free most people will remember theres an event and ask for a TP if they want to attend. Also look at who you are TPing and ask yourself if they will be interested or even in some cases with my list are they likely to attend this event due to "politics". Finally if you have TP'd someone and they have taken the time to acknowledge it and IM you the reply to them, it's only polite.
As for hiding v deleting its a toss of the coin, if someone decides to leave you an offline and you are online you are busted and people do tend to be upset by that, I recently deleted a couple of people for hiding from me, if they don't want me to know they are online they don't need to know I am but I don't hide I delete.
A couple of months ago I deleted an auctioneer for mass tping me when I hadn't attended one of their events in weeks, I recieved a rather rude and slightly abusive IM. All you can do is whats right for you because you can bet the mass TPers are. Above all remember its your SL and its what you make it.
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