fair enough if the moderators can't clearly see what is happening under the hood, perhaps it is better this way, it is surprising though that moderators aren't able to see this well enough.
I would assume this would be fully transparent to them or possible to make it this way but it clearly isn't.
If I had to choose though between the nasty away or the good to stay together with the nastly I clearly go for removing it all together.
So, thank you!
This feature sure was used and abused but foremost used in a positive manner :-)
I also think it makes only common sense for us to be able to remove threads which do not take place in the discussions forum and possible the feedback corner in less degree.
I feel each individual should be entitled to remove their old, water under the bridge topics, without having to alter them to be able to and decide for themselves if something strays for ever on the forums here.
We are able to remove everything we placed on the Internet when ever we want so it is a bit ristrictive don't you think?
One of the reasons I am not in Facebook is because they keep your content wether you want it or not I am sensitive for those things.
Off topic I know!
Locking down threads which has become relevant for the community as it happens should basically be enough as for keeping our content I think.