RE: Breeder names on Pedigrees
Breed to the grand-kids, so it shows as a grand-parent. Pass a grandkid to an alt. It will show "Someone Else" and there is no way to tell it was a starter since you can't see that there are no great-grandparents above, ever.
When I made the OP, Charm had been shopping and several of the cats she looked at claimed facts which could only be true if one of the grandparents was a starter, and there was no way to verify that fact. Hence the suggestion that KittyCatS Resident be the Breeder for starters.
For offspring (non-starters, sic) I'm leaning toward wanting to see the actual avatar name. Most of the time, it will help, and won't cause problems. But I'm cautious because it has, in the past, lead to some conflict where the breeder was getting unwanted queries from random people.
But, it would sure help Charm out a lot if she knew which alt produced a box so she knows who to pass it back to to see the parts of the Pedigree View she can't see as Charm.