(02-01-2013 05:05 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote: (02-01-2013 09:12 AM)Eurydice Barzane Wrote: I have no idea how or why - maybe having 140 cats breeding at once - but I was lucky enough to get 2 Megapusses two days ago, just a few hours apart.
Wow! 140 breeding cats! How do you keep them from lagging down the house?
Well, they don't lag down the house so much as my entire homestead sim

My computer died tho so all of the cats are in cattery for the time beng. I'm having better results with cattery than I had with them on land... so everyone wanting a megapuss (or several megapussi) go forth and send your cats to cattery!
(I got a couple of the Bigger de Big's today, too!)

Congrats! I'm so glad with all the headaches you've been having with pc's that you have some wonderful things happening.

I'll probably get one eventually, just being winey and looking for cheese to go with it.

Thank you Dev

I sent my comp by Fed Ex - it should have been with my son two days ago, but it's being held up why they ask questions like 'what is the value of the cable' and 'how did you package it' and 'how many layers of bubblewrap did you package it in' and what brand of bubblewrap did you use'. It's becoming surreal!

My son might not get it before the warranty expires - he bought it for me so it had to go back to him. So I've got tears and migraines and a couple of really big virtual cats I might see in the next six months if I'm really lucky.
Good luck with getting a megapuss - I've got a feeling you'll get one in the next couple of days. But in the *very* unlikely event of that not happening, when I get back to SL I'll invite you over to my sim and you can ride one the megapusses to your hearts content.
(02-01-2013 03:43 PM)devilness chant Wrote: (02-01-2013 09:12 AM)Eurydice Barzane Wrote: I have no idea how or why - maybe having 140 cats breeding at once - but I was lucky enough to get 2 Megapusses two days ago, just a few hours apart. (One of them is from your teacup kitty 'Innokenti', Bala ~ another is from one of Misa's cats!) and tonight I got a Petite, Teacup and a Bigger de Big one after the other in the space of an hour. Now I'm worried I'll have broken the spell by talking about this! 
Congrats! I'm so glad with all the headaches you've been having with pc's that you have some wonderful things happening. 
I'll probably get one eventually, just being winey and looking for cheese to go with it. 
I sent a reply earlier but I'm using a mac and I think the reply got added on to my reply to Winter!

Thank you Dev
I sent my laptop via Fed Ex - it should have been with my son two days ago, but it's being held up why they ask questions like 'what is the value of the cable' and 'how did you package it' and 'how many layers of bubblewrap did you package it in' and what brand of bubblewrap did you use'. It's becoming surreal!

My son might not get it before the warranty expires - he bought it for me so it had to go back to him. So I've got tears and migraines and a couple of really big virtual cats I might see in the next six months if I'm really lucky.
I hope you get your first Megapuss soon ~ I'm trying to send some of my 'cat luck' your way. I'm sure you'll get one in the next couple of days. But in the *very* unlikely event of that not happening, when I get back to SL I'll invite you over to my sim and you can ride one the megapusses to your hearts content.