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TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
06-04-2014, 11:01 PM
Post: #31
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
I agree Vrem, there's far too many auctions and as much as it is fun to sit and chat and laugh and of course buy and sell, doing it for 5 hours in row a day is impossible.
Right now what Im not sure people are noticing is happening, is that auctions became place to shop, not stalls, not small shops, but auctions. Place that should be for something extra, for something new, for something just "special hard working project" is turning to be a place to sell and buy pretty much anything. As breeder and buyer I cant buy cat on every single auction i attend nor can I possibly go to everyone of them and Im sure the rest feel the same way.
Soy es I agree with said above, auctioneers need to organize themselves in a group and work out on times to cover the week and leave the buyers and breeders to develop some needs, because when we got demands then we ready to pay for them.
Im very hopeful that auctioneers will work this out and join forces to offer us amazing auctions as they have, great laughs and present the kitties in best way as always Wink

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 Thanks given by: Mizaki Resident , Olgita Ruby , Vrem Vaniva
06-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Post: #32
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
hi all Smile

i'm not quite sure how to interject in this thread...

we really LOVE how the community works together regarding auction times, and stuff. it's evolved over the years and the fact that you would even consider each other is a testament to your kindness and "thinking of others as you would like to be thought of".

we're not sure what the current situation is that has caused this thread to happen and we do trust you all as a community to work these things out as you have in the past. (there was a time that there were quite a few overlapping)

what we'd like to see, if possible, is more of you going to each other privately and sorting out the issues between yourselves as most often, that really is the best way to work things out... and we don't know that you haven't done that either.

we'd ask that you try to hope and believe the best as you proceed to solve this issue with each other.

it's quite amazing really that you all consider each other. most businesses never do that at all (and one could look at each auctioneer as an independent business ) so the fact you all coordinate this??? WOW!!! my hats of to you all. you are for sure getting the bigger picture in life of "community" and "win win" rather than "cut throat" and the other things paraded around as being "smart for business".

we really admire you as a community. and that is an understatement.

i hope as you sort this out, you remember that not everyone knows how you have done things AND more importantly, each person can choose to not participate in this "schedule" as each person ultimately makes their own choice and there is no law of when people must schedule auctions. if there are those who don't wish to join in what it seems like most of the auctioning community has agreed to follow, it is our hope that you can still be civil and understand they may have reasons that aren't just to hurt someone's business. (and it may be someone wants to as well)

you are a great group, as witnessed by your individual commitment to your own style of auctioning, how you decorate, your creativity, how you interact with your customers (i've been able to visit i think most every auction at least once, even one in german that i didn't understand Tongue ) and have always been so impressed!

communities often have bumps in the road as they grow and you all over the past 3+ years have handled things so smoothly. we trust this issue will also be a little bump that will work itself out.

we'd just ask for respect and kindness be demonstrated even when you may be frustrated.

i hope some of this makes some sense!!! Smile and... can i be in special panel Z sometime? Tongue (it would be a little princess throne with a tiara please... and a prince if possible)
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 Thanks given by: PoshJones Resident , AstridSolace Resident , Karizmah Avro , Vrem Vaniva , Piper Rowley , Mizaki Resident , Jackson Verlack , Aubreygrace Starlight
06-06-2014, 02:14 AM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2014 02:27 AM by phoenixfire01 Resident.)
Post: #33
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
(06-04-2014 06:06 PM)Vrem Vaniva Wrote:  How about consolidating some of these groups , as Felis and Crazy German are doing? Hopefully one can leave both Felis and Crazy German groups, and keep only the United Kitty Friends one.

You can actually leave the Felis and CGK groups as they have merged under UKF.

(06-04-2014 11:01 PM)Jackson Verlack Wrote:  Right now what Im not sure people are noticing is happening, is that auctions became place to shop, not stalls, not small shops, but auctions. Place that should be for something extra, for something new, for something just "special hard working project" is turning to be a place to sell and buy pretty much anything.

I have noticed this too, breeders are using Auctions to sell their kitties to pay the rent, however I know that some breeders don't have any other option. Some breeders simply can't afford to pay store rent on top of food and milk as well as the land rent for where their kitties are. I have many a time bought almost an entire Auction of kitties not just because they were lovely kitties but because I know the breeders are having it tough with the market being how it is at the moment. I rarely place kitties at Auction now, only if I think the kitty is gorgeous or Auctioneers need help panel filling but I know others RELY on it to keep breeding.

VALYRIAN CATS Owner & CatTales Staff
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 Thanks given by: Jackson Verlack , Mizaki Resident , IzzieJo Resident
06-07-2014, 07:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2014 07:52 AM by Piper Rowley.)
Post: #34
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
Ok. So how rude is it to send someone auction panel information when they KNOW an auction they are in, conflicts with YOUR own auction? Today, I log in to a notecard someone sent me. The auction, overlaps my auction at the start. Um...I find that inconsiderate. I get notices and chat so I see what's where and what time, I really don't like when people send me stuff like that. It's pushing and you don't push, it looks desperate. I don't IM people and send them stuff. I will IM people that I know, have been around, talked to, know that they sell their kitties on auctions in I have an extra panel or 2 and/or remind about setting up. I send notices and chats but NEVER will I IM a person personally and say, "Hey, look what I have on panels 5, 6, and 7!"

This is the way I see it after stewing over this the past few days before the above rant:

People are going to whatever auction they want. Whether it overlaps or not. I've dipped into other auctions and plan to do so again BUT if you don't want to be considerate and pick a time that doesn't conflict, I won't be attending or participating in your auction. It doesn't matter WHY you put kitties up for auction. As phoenixfire01 said, there are many reasons to do so. It's your prerogative.

I've removed a few people from my friends list because they would IM me about their auction when I haven't attended in awhile. No, "Hey, how you been?" No small talk. They just get right into it. Please, auctioneers, do not IM people directly and ask them to come. Seriously. It just looks bad IMO and if they want to come, they will. And the same goes with those putting their kitties up for auction. That's what certain groups are for. Unless they are your friend and you know for sure with them that they'd be interested, a clientele for better lack of words. And please don't send multiple tp requests. If someone doesn't want to come, they won't. It ticks people off when you send 5 or 6 in 10 mins. Send to people YOU KNOW...not to random people on your friends list. Trust that they saw the group notices and chats. You might get more people if you don't push.

I'm only saying this for you other auctioneers. I'm not a pro by any means but as a patron first, it's not kosher.

[Image: Untitled-3_zpse0d66f02.png]
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07-06-2014, 05:08 AM
Post: #35
RE: TOO MANY AUCTIONS: what happened to?
Its such a shame that this still goes on, going head to head with people whose auctions already existed.
I wanted to bring this post up again as AGAIN this has happened, and I truly believe all existing auctions should have the support of the patrons that always did and always will continue to go there.
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 Thanks given by: Jackson Verlack
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