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Full Version: Purple and other colors
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I would love to have more Chateau colors - especially purple! The pink one is cute - we need more color kittens Big Grin

Please consider purple chateau!
I agree!
Purple For The Win!!!
I totally agree!!
It was a one tailed, four pawed meowin purple kibble eater??? =op
Yes for purple chateau!
I love the pinkies and I love chateau kitties, so I'm all for some purple chateau kitties to breed out! I hope they'll be a lavender though or some sort of delicate purple, to compliment the pink fur we already have and the array of eyes we could breed onto them.
(02-15-2013 08:01 PM)Misa Delight Wrote: [ -> ]I would love to have more Chateau colors - especially purple! The pink one is cute - we need more color kittens Big Grin

Please consider purple chateau!

I am ALL for it, WOOT WOOT!!! Heart
I would love to see a variety of colors to be honest! Minty Green, Baby Blue, Ticklish Teal I could go on and on
(02-16-2013 05:27 AM)Nocshadue Balbozar Wrote: [ -> ]It was a one tailed, four pawed meowin purple kibble eater???

I'd buy that record.
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