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Full Version: Featured 100% Love Kitties * Too Adorable Love Shack! (Last Updated: 2/16/14)
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Saturday equals date night, and no kitty should have to spend date night alone! Find the ideal mate for your kitty at the Love Shack today! Smile


February 16, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? BalineseSeal myst BlueBerry Twinkle +3
? BalineseCream PeachBellini BooBooEars +1 (Aww, she even has a little rose to offer her date!)
? RussianWhite LuckyIrishClover Porcelain OdyBoo +2
? 8T BengalTawny pft OdyBurst Flair CuriousTail Rounded

Adorable Boys
? BengalSnow pft Azure OdyBoo CuriousWhisker +1
? SiameseFlame pft OdyKaleido x2Mysterious
? AbyLilac OdyRainbow CuriousTail BlackPlush
? BalineseSeal pft Platinum Porcelain Rounded +2
[Image: more.png]
Check out the new (and bigger!) Love Shack setup and find that ideal mate to start off your kitty's week on the right paw!


February 18, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T SiameseChoco pft Divine Illume SoftFold
? 8T RussianWhite pft FancieBlueDiamond Glitter
? 8T FoxieAuburn myst Platinum Illume
? BengalSnow myst Apple Twinkle Rounded +2

Adorable Boys
? BalineseLilac sm OdyCarnival Fussy 2TonePlush
? Chateau3Spot2 OdyKaleido 2ToneMyst +2
? AbyBS LightWash PlushTail +2
? 8T OciTawny pft GrapeIce Illume WhiteCurious
[Image: more.png]
Updated for Tuesday!


February 19, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T AbyFawn pft MorningDew Illume Rounded
? AbyBS myst WildOdy Glitter CuriousWhisker +1
? OcicatTawny Divine Ody1 BlackPlush +1
? 9T SSBluepoint pft WildCherry Twinkle SoftFold

Adorable Boys
? 8T BalineseLilac pft OdyRainbow Rounded WhitePlush
? BurmeseBlue sm GerberaBlue Illume +3
? 9T SiameseFlame pft RainbowPrism Twinkle
? SiameseChocolate GerberaOrange Flair CuriousTail +3
[Image: more.png]
Updated for Thursday! While perusing for your 100% love mate for your kitty, don't forget to browse the
collars too - every kitty deserves a pretty collar, and there's plenty to be had thanks to our community! Smile


February 21, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T BaliSeal pft OdyRainbow Illume Rounded BlackMyst
? Pink&White1 pft OdySorbet CuriousEars +1
? 8T BengalTawny myst GerbOrange Porcelain Rounded
? SiameseFlame pft MorningDew Ody1 +1

Adorable Boys
? 9T Black&White 1 (Moo kitty!) pft HuckleBerry Illume Rounded
? AbyCinnamon OdyBurst BigBooBooEars
? 8T BurmesePlatinum BlueIce Porcelain Shorty
? SSLilac myst Grass Flair SoftFold +3 ~ Toy!
[Image: more.png]
For the kitties who couldn't get dream dates Saturday night, Sunday always offers a second chance to find that ideal boy or girl kitty at the Love Shack!


February 24, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 8T BaliChoco sm Apple Illume 2ToneMyst
? RussianWhite LightWash CuriousTail Rounded +2
? AbyBS pft Platinum CuriousTail Ody2 2ToneMyst
? SSLilac myst Mocha Flair SoftFold +2

Adorable Boys
? 8T BurmesePlat pft Divine Flair SoftFold
? 9T AbyFawn pft BlueIce Illume
? 9T BengalSnow pft WildOdy Porcelain SoftFold
? BalineseCream Plum CuriousEars
[Image: more.png]


February 27, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? BaliLilac sm OdyBurst Twinkle WhiteCurious +1
? 9T BaliSeal pft Platinum Porcelain SoftFold
? BengalSnow LightWash Twinkle SoftFold +3
? SiameseChocolate myst Azure BlackCurious +1

Adorable Boys
? 9T AbyBS pft Prism Porcelain Shorty Rounded
? 8T AbyCinn pft MorningGlory SoftFold CuriousW
? BalineseCream MorningDew WhiteMyst
? RussianWhite pft GerbPurple FriskyTail +2
[Image: more.png]


March 1, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T BengalSnow pft Platinum Porc SoftFold
? BlueTabby Divine CuriousTail BigBooBooEars
? RussianWhite pft Prism Illume BooBooTail +2
? 8T RedTabby sm PinkIce Illume WhiteMyst

Adorable Boys
? 9T BalineseSeal pft OdyRainbow Illume
? 8T BurmeseBlue pft Canary Flair ~ Petite!
? BalineseChoco Blacklight Glitter +3
? BengalSorell myst Sunshine Vampire +1
[Image: more.png]
Tuesday update!


March 5, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 8T BaliSeal pft BeachBlue BlackMysterious
? BengalTawny Azure Illume Ody1 2ToneMyst
? ChateauCr&W2 Glitter CuriousTail Rounded +1
? OciES sm MidnightSky CuriousTail +3 ~ Toy!

Adorable Boys
? BaliChoco pft MorningGlory FoxieEars MystWhiskers
? ChateauB&W3 myst Platinum Glitter Fussy +1
? 8T BaliLilac sm BeachBlue Glitter Ody2
? 9T AbyLilac pft GerbPink Porcelain Rounded
[Image: more.png]
Don't let those mopey Mondays get to you and your kitties, there's plenty of happily-ever-after dates to be had at the Love Shack to brighten up your Monday!


March 11, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 8T BalineseLilac sm BeachBlue Glitter Rounded WhitePlush
? AbyBS myst Earth Glitter Fussy 2Tone
? BalineseSeal RainbowPrism Shorty Ody1 WhiteMyst
? 8T RussianWhite pft KeyLime Illume OdyBoo

Adorable Boys
? FoxieAuburn myst OdyRainbow Ody2 +2
? RussianBlack sm OdyDream Flair Rounded WhiteMyst +1
? 9T BaliLilac pft OdyKaleido Illume SoftFold WhiteCurious
? FoxieBlondie Azure CuriousEars +1
[Image: more.png]


March 18, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? OcicatES OdyRainbow Twinkle SoftFold WhitePlush +1
? ChateauCocoa&White1 pft PeachBellini Illume Rounded +1
? 8T BengalSnow pft PurpleRain PointedSoftFold
? BalineseSeal WildOdyssey Ody2 WhiteMyst +1

Adorable Boys
? 8T BalineseLilac pft Apple Twinkle Shorty Ody1 BlackWhisker
? 9T BengalSnow pft WildCherry Twinkle SoftFold WhiteMyst
? FoxieAuburn Oceania CuriousTail SoftFold
? OcicatTawny pft Azure OdyBooBoo CuriousWhiskers
[Image: more.png]
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