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Full Version: Featured 100% Love Kitties * Too Adorable Love Shack! (Last Updated: 2/16/14)
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Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!


July 1, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T AbyBS pft LightWash Porc Rounded WhiteMyst
? 8T MaineCoonPlush myst Azure Flair SoftFold
? SiameseFlame RainbowPrism TigerCurl BlondeStreak
? 9T RussWhite pft Plat Twinkle SoftFold WhiteMyst

Adorable Boys
? 9T BaliSeal pft OdyRain Twinkle Shorty Ody2
? 8T AbyBS myst OdyKaleido Flair Swanky Rounded
? BaliCream pft Mercury Porc FussyTail WhiteWhisker
? MaineCoonWashed pft Azure PSF CuriousWhisker +1
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!


July 3, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T SilverTabby pft Prism Porcelain Rounded
? BalineseCream FancieTealDiamond WhitePlush
? AbyBS OdyBurst Glitter CuriousEars 2ToneMyst +1
? 9T ChatBlack&White3 pft Plat Twinkle Rounded

Adorable Boys
? BaliSeal myst ChangingLeaf Stubby OdyBoo ~ Mega!
? 9T RussWhite pft BlueBerry Twinkle SoftFold WhiteMyst
? 8T BengalSnow sm OdyCarn Porc Fussy BlondeMyst
? SSBluepoint sm MorningGlory Twinkle CuriousWhisker
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!


July 7, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T FoxieBlondie pft BlueBerry Illume SoftFold
? 9T AbyBS pft LightWash Porcelain Rounded
? MaineCoonWashed sm Azure BlondeStreakCurious +1
? 9T RussBlack pft Apple Twinkle SoftFold WhiteMyst

Adorable Boys
? 8T BaliCream pft OdyBellini ChopChop WhiteMyst
? AbyFawn myst BlushQuartz Vampire WhitePlush
? 9T SSBluepoint pft Prism Flair Ody1 WhiteMyst
? 9T BaliSeal pft WildOdy Porcelain Rounded WhitePlush
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!


July 13, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T AbyLilac pft BlueBerry Twinkle SoftFold
? BaliSeal sm DoubleDip Glitter Fussy Ody1 +1
? 9T SiaChoco pft WildCherry Flair WhiteMyst
? 9T OciLav pft PurpleRain Glitter SoftFold

Adorable Boys
? BaliFlame sm OdyKaleidoscope WhiteFussy +2
? 9T ChatTawny&White1 pft Prism Illume Rounded
? BaliSeal pft TapOranica Rounded WhiteWhisker +1
? AbyBS sm Bronze Glitter OdyBooBoo MystWhisker
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!

* Don't forget to update your kitties that are currently at the Love Shack!


August 6, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? MaineCoonPlush sm OdyBellini ChopChop +3 ~ Teacup
? BengalSorell StarryBabyBlues OdyBooBoo +2
? 9T BaliSeal pft BlueBerry Porcelain SoftFold
? 8T RussBlack Prismatic Flair WhitePlush

Adorable Boys
? 9T BaliCream pft LightWash Illume Rounded
? PandieEbony&Ivory myst CrystalClear +2
? BaliLilac pft FanciePurple PlushTail +1
? 9T AbyLilac pft OdyRain Twinkle SoftFold
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!

* Don't forget to update your kitties that are currently at the Love Shack!


August 9, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? PandieEbony BlueIce ChopChop Rounded BlackMyst
? 9T OciES pft Apple Twinkle Ody1 WhiteMyst
? BaliBlue myst OdyCarnival Twinkle MystWhisker
?9T ChatBW3 pft Platinum Twinkle Rounded WhiteMyst

Adorable Boys
? RussianBlack WildOdyssey BlackWavy +2
? 9T AbyLilac pft FancieBlue Twinkle Ody2 WhiteMyst
? 9T BaliSeal pft MidnightSky Illume BooBooEars
? BalineseFlame OdyTerra WavyWhiskers
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!


September 6, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 8T BaliFlame pft OdyRainbow Flair FussyTail WhiteWavy
? 8T BaliSeal pft FancieDuskyDiamond Illume WhiteMyst
? 9T OciES pft WildOdyssey Flair Rounded WhitePlush
? 8T MaineCoonWashed sm OdyBellini Glitter WhiteMyst ~ Petite

Adorable Boys
? 9T ChatCocoa&White1 pft Blacklight Glitter
? BaliLilac pft LightWash CuriousTail SoftFold
? 9T BengalSnow pft Forest Illume WhiteMyst
? BaliCream sm GerbOrange Porcelain WhiteMyst +1
[Image: more.png]
Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!


December 5, 2013
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 8T PandieEbony myst LuckyIrish Illume Rounded
? 9T FoxieAuburn pft Grass Flair WhiteMyst
? FoxieSalt&Pepper pft OdyRainbow Flash WhiteWhisker +1
? AbyBS pft MorningGlory Glitter FussyTail

Adorable Boys
? 8T MaineCoonPlush pft OdyKaleido Flash PSF
? 9T SiaLilac pft Blacklight Twinkle OdyBoo WhitePlush
? 8T PandieBrown&White myst Apple Glitter Ody1
? ChateauPink&White pft PinkIce Illume SoftFold +1
[Image: more.png]
Happy 2014, everyone! The first Love Shack update of 2014 arrives with a plethora of gorgeous kitties seeking loving homes!


January 4, 2014
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? BlueTabby ExoticTreasure Rounded WhiteStubby
? 9T PandieE&I pft OdyKaleido Glitter RoundedFold
? 9T MaineCoonWashed pft OdyRain Porcelain
? 8T BaliCream pft LightWash Twinkle Fussy PSF

Adorable Boys
? BaliLilac sm HuckleBerry Fussy Rounded 2ToneWavy ~Teacup!
? 8T OciES myst OdyBellini Porc Chop Rounded BlackPlush
? FoxieS&P sm ChangingLeaf OdyRounded MystWhisker
? Cream&WhiteTabby KeyLime MystOdyFold Frazzled ~ MegaPuss!
[Image: more.png]
Happy 2014, everyone! The first Love Shack update of 2014 arrives with a plethora of gorgeous kitties seeking loving homes!


January 5, 2014
[Image: adorablekitties.png]
Adorable Girls
? 9T MaineCoonWashed pft Canary Chop BlondeCurious
? RussianBlack Bronze Illume SoftFold BlondeWavy +1
? 9T BaliChoco pft BlueIce Glitter ChocoMysterious
? BengalSnow myst MorningDew SoftFold ~ Teacup +3

Adorable Boys
? 9T FoxieS&P pft Apple Glitter FussyTail WhiteMyst
? OcicatES sm TapAllure Porc Rounded 2TonePlush ~ Petite
? ChateauSlate&White1 Odyssey1RetiredEars
? 9T BalineseBlue pft OdyKaleigo SoftFold 2TonePlush
[Image: more.png]
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