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Full Version: KittyCatS Basic info - for beginners
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A while ago, I added a document to my Google Docs collection that contains basic KittyCatS-info, mainly meant for beginners.
-However, I never really did mention this anywhere where beginners would normally look, and I see a lot of people getting confused by things that they would not have to be confused about... So now I post it here :-)

KittyCatS Basics - for beginners, in Saga's Google Docs

I hope this will be helpful to people - and as always, I am open to comments, ideas, suggestions and corrections.

Definitely helped get a quick and painless grip on the basics of how things work!

I'm actually putting up a site that kinda centers toward breeding only. Is it okay if I include the link and reference to this?
(09-11-2012 01:44 PM)Saga Felix Wrote: [ -> ]A while ago, I added a document to my Google Docs collection that contains basic KittyCatS-info, mainly meant for beginners.
-However, I never really did mention this anywhere where beginners would normally look, and I see a lot of people getting confused by things that they would not have to be confused about... So now I post it here :-)

KittyCatS Basics - for beginners, in Saga's Google Docs

I hope this will be helpful to people - and as always, I am open to comments, ideas, suggestions and corrections.


They helped me much when I started. Thank you Heart
(09-11-2012 05:02 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]Saga,

I'm actually putting up a site that kinda centers toward breeding only. Is it okay if I include the link and reference to this?

Of course, Serena - as I write on my Dominance Charts:
"Feel free to share the LINK to this chart with anyone interested. -However, please DO NOT copy this to notecards, textures etc. and then share it, as the recipients would end up with outdated info as this chart is updated regularly. Thank you! :-) -Saga"

-And that goes for any and all of my current and future Docs & Charts, really. They're there to be used and shared, as long as you share the LINKS, so I don't end up quoted out of context and with potentially outdated info.
I try my best to keep all my Docs updated, and have great help from a large part of the KittyCatS community in doing so. The more they are used, the more likely it is that someone will react if something's wrong or outdated :-)

Thank you. As soon as I return from vacation I'll update thing.
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