RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
My thinking does not preclude a 9T Confetti. I think it's highly unlikely, but it's certainly possible, even if you're only breeding Confetti Starters.
While I can see the logic behind fabio's model of how Confetti produce offspring, I don't think it's correct.
The experimental evidence I have shows that the odds of receiving a Confetti offspring from a pair of Confetti parents is quite a bit higher the 1-in-4 .. more like 1-in-10, but recently I've begun to think it may be a bit lower: perhaps 1-in-8.
It seems to me that fabio is cherry-picking his data to show his 1-in-4 odds.
Here is my methodology:
Select only Female Confetti in Charm's Pedigree roster.
For each, pull up their Pedigree to view their offspring.
For each offspring, pull up it's parentage to ensure the father was also a Confetti.
If the father was NOT Confetti, ignore the offspring (Charm, it turned out rarely makes this error).
If the father was Confetti, count the offspring as either Confetti or not, as appropriate.
When done divide the total offspring (sum of both Confetti and non-Confetti from a Confetti pair) by the number of Confetti offspring.
Charm's average, over time, when I do this varies from 1-in-6 to 1-in-12; the mid-point is 1-in-10 so that's where I get my number.
Has Charm had mothers who produced several Confetti? Yes, a few. I think her record is 5 out of 13.
Has Charm had mothers who produced NO Confetti? Yes, a few, too. I think her record is 0-of-12.
That I can put those numbers together and get 1-in-5 (close enough to Fabio's 1-in-4) tells us nothing because that's 'cherry-picked' data.
So, fabio .. across all your Confetti mothers (eliminating the mistakes where the father was not also Confetti) how many total boxes have you received and how many of those have been Confetti?
As to a White (coco) appearing from a pair of non-White parents .. every one of those, when actually checked, turned out to be memory errors .. one of the parents was actually a White confetti.
Oh, and I do NOT think the Confetti population will ever die out since there will always be Confetti Starters.
What I am saying, though, is that if you're trying to avoid getting Confetti Starters, and avoid purchasing, you eventually won't get enough offspring to continue. But, everyone buys, and several of you are like Fabio and run over for new Confetti Starters; so we'll always have Confetti cats around.