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How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
03-20-2016, 08:06 AM
Post: #15
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
Wanted to mention that although I gave up on the Confettis, I still enjoy breeding KittyCats and have been breeding for 4 years now, just on a smaller scale since I've gotten involved with some volunteer groups and have less free time. At home right now I have 2 foster bunnies rescued from a meat farm where they were raised in tiny wire cages, they are incredibly social animals if given the chance and demand lots of my time for petting and bunny field trips into the kitchen Big Grin

And what I meant by Confetti breeding "technique", I have been secretly hoping there is some undisclosed piece to their breeding puzzle, like "the seventh son of the seventh son of confetti furs, from a line of babies that are born on full moons only, will reveal the most exciting rainbow fur ever and bring world peace and prosperity to all". I also believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Heh heh.


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 Thanks given by: JC Aferdita , Eleanor8 Resident , Jelly Supply , Saxoni Fenstalker
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RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you? - Malayaa Resident - 03-20-2016 08:06 AM

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