
How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
03-20-2016, 02:51 PM
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
my last pair of confetti kitties with have aged out. I won't be unpacking any more.
I got a yellow one with my original pair, but only white ones from the other 2 pairs I had even though 3 were offspring from the original pair. didn't even get any unusual traits. not worth the time or energy.
03-20-2016, 02:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2016 03:18 PM by LibGwen Resident.)
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
> So, while the Confetti game can be 'saved', doing so means it fails to solve the very problems it was designed for.
Sounds like there needs to be something so special about the confettis that while the odds stay the same the feeling of reward is such that people consider it a worthy gamble and don't feel that losing the gamble colors the breeding of "normal" KittyCatS. Although ... isn't this pretty much what the Menagerie series does? You get them because they're unusual and it's a triumph to obtain one.
One thing I've been seeing in months of confetti discussion is a kneejerk dismissal of starter offspring as worthless unless they show something super duper extra-special. I think the problem is more psychology than mathematics: Many who discuss confettis *expect* great rewards (goodness knows about the ones who don't discuss them), which isn't really how the average KC owner thinks. Unfortunately the average person tends to respond to these discussions by feeling embarrassed that their own highs aren't so stratospheric. So they go quiet and socialize less.
03-20-2016, 04:47 PM
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
While I fully agree with the il-advised 'kneejerk' reaction that all non-Confetti offspring are worthless, you have to remember that Confetti Starters *are* just Normal Starters with an extra 'Confetti-ness'.
A more apt analysis of Confetti Starters would be to ask yourself .. do I want Normal Starters in my breeding program? If the answer is 'Yes' then the addition of 'Confetti-ness' might be something to consider.
If, however, you're 'breeding for Confetti' then you're playing a losing game.
And, yes, if you're only interested in the Menagerie Starter-ness of Confetti, you might be better served by simply going for 'normal' Menagerie starters such as the Le Tigre. At least, with those, you know, going in, that you're not going to ever see a Le Tirge offspring, so you're not setting yourself up for the bad feelings the near-consistent failure of Confetti's engenders.
Perhaps a middle-ground would be to have a permanent Special-Offspring Menagerie Starter. Something which works like the old Lepricat (meaning you can get the offspring, not that there is a limit to the total number of offspring game-wide like they had). Even at 1-in-10 odds, where you'd have a fairly high chance of breeding out to 120 days and never seeing the offspring, you'd know, going in, that breeding offspring-to-parent or offspring-to-offspring would never produce another. So, that should almost (but not quite) eliminate the bad feelings that Confetti seem to be breeding. Set the odds at 1-in-4 and you're be fairly sure of getting one and, possibly, getting a second or even a third, before the parents aged out and you'd need to go back to the Main Shop to get more.
03-21-2016, 08:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2016 08:25 AM by Mizaki Resident.)
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
I started with 1 pair and they gave me 2 cocos, 2 blues and 1 grape, rest all genesis furs, i managed to keep 1 coco and blue to keep my line going. I admit i made the mistake of quickly selling any colors i got initially.
As many points were already discussed here, i'll keep this short and say in the end, its all gambling. Like Shukie said, hit and miss. Sadly, the odds of hitting are very low and unless you have so many pairs as Tad pointed out, you must not expect much (unless you are sooo luckyyy! And the kitties decide to drop colors in two rounds laughs)
My advice is if you cant handle feeding two cats who will perhaps in the end give you nothing, best not to go into confettis. It is kinda like playing experiment with the collections kitties, except here we really have no idea of knowing.
Happy breeding!
03-21-2016, 09:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2016 09:45 AM by Alassariah Resident.)
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
1st pair - whites, 46 days old - gave 1 white, 1 orange, 2 gens
2nd pair - elderly white pair bought @ around 90 days old and currently have 1 cycle left (without heavy juicing)
- gave 1 blue, 2 gens
I am not a good seller so I am and will continue to menagerie the regular kitties to feed the fettis. Maybe it is foolhardy but I like the fetti challenge.
Loving the cattery! Thank you KittyCatS!
03-22-2016, 03:00 AM
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
This is just my opinion while I am kinda really trying the confetti's for the first time hard with like 4 sets. I can certainly see confetti's turning into a dying breed!. I mean specially when people finally do end up trait there line which could take months are even year with Confetti's and lose there progress because of one bad batch. Its a game of extreme risk. Its almost like playing against the house and the house has loaded dice. Sure the rewards are great, but the risk might not be worth it. I am sure there will be a few die hard breeders who will Persevere no matter what. I think it needs to be tweaked in some way. The concept is good but the execution just isn't working. Confetti's need to be something special but at the same time they also need to have rewards much greater then they give currently. Perhaps confetti's are guaranteed to show 3-4 traits right out of the box from starters that they can only pass on to Confetti cats!. Its been shown they can setup the cat to show traits but not pass them on to none confetti cats. This might make the risk vs reward greater. Special when its completely random which traits would be selected!. Also my first set was very good to me. I got like 6 confetti's total! My Second set wasn't as good but still manged to give me 2-3 confetti's. I never gotten anything out side of a cocoberry thought!.
Thanks given by: | |
03-22-2016, 11:18 AM
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
I made aware of the complaints of the people about the confetti cats, last week.
After conversation in the chat group, I decided to look for my cats, one more week, and see how they go.
Last week, I had another week "bad" or "bad round," as I like to call, the weeks that the system has results that are sad to me.
Penultimate week: 6 genesis / 2 confetti
Last week: 7 genesis / 1 confetti
Today: 5 genesis / 3 confetti
in my technical vision system, yet for me, this is a standard system without any anomalies for good, or for evil.
I disagree with TAD, as the population of Confetti is subject to extinction. But the calculations he makes are correct, since the system to only 1 cat confetti, in 8 attempts. My numbers are different.
in my analysis, and observation of my confetti, the system works like this:
Step 1 - choose if the cat will be born confetti
dad - YES or NO
mom - YES or NO
Results possibilities:
NO and NO = cat genesis
NO and YES = genesis cat
YES and NO = cat genesis
YES and YES = cat confetti
for me, the chance to be born other confetti is 25%, ie 1 in 4 cats.
if you look at my 3 last weeks results are: 2 + 1 + 3 = 6 total new confetti / average new confetti on 24 possible. 6 = 25%
2 cats is the average per week in 8 attempts.
if I have 16 rounds per pair, this me of a total of 32 cats at the end of the lives of cats.
after 120 days, 16 confetti cats became 32 new confetti.
I understand the frustration of many people. Even people who have many pairs. but it is already known to all that confetti cats are four times most difficult.
I was frustrated in the week I had 8 genesis and 0 confetti. but I was happy in the week I had 4 genesis and 4 confetti. average 2 and 25% again.
I apologize people who are frustrated, my vision is really technical, and I do not believe assumptions like: 3 generation cats are better, not use love10% is better, put the cats turned with his head down, stockings luck, sorry, none of this changes the system to have positive results. to, unless it is written in the source code of cats.
If, following the reasoning of TAD, there will never be a cat confetti 9t. But I have good chances for this to happen soon.
Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
03-22-2016, 11:30 AM
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
(03-19-2016 11:38 AM)Malayaa Resident Wrote: ... This is when things went south. My first plum (age 205 now) gave me 1 cocoberry and 12 gens when mating a shown confetti fur to shown fur. My second plum (age 178) gave me 15 gens, still mating shown furs together. I think this little stinker was the one that caused me to stop breeding Confettis. My friends Cherry Berry gave me 12 gens (mixing breeding with plum and coco berries). My original 4 cocoberries are 246 days old now.
I would love ot see those pedigrees, i can't under stand how two colored kitties would give you a cocoberry, unless i am misunderstanding the breeding pairs. Cocoberry should be like the genisis furs, it's the most dominant so unless you were breeding a cocoberry and a plum i am confused how you got a cocoberry and really really woud love to see the peidigree
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03-22-2016, 12:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2016 12:52 PM by Alassariah Resident.)
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
(03-22-2016 11:30 AM)Ivy Lane Wrote: (03-19-2016 11:38 AM)Malayaa Resident Wrote: ... This is when things went south. My first plum (age 205 now) gave me 1 cocoberry and 12 gens when mating a shown confetti fur to shown fur. My second plum (age 178) gave me 15 gens, still mating shown furs together. I think this little stinker was the one that caused me to stop breeding Confettis. My friends Cherry Berry gave me 12 gens (mixing breeding with plum and coco berries). My original 4 cocoberries are 246 days old now.
I would love ot see those pedigrees, i can't under stand how two colored kitties would give you a cocoberry, unless i am misunderstanding the breeding pairs. Cocoberry should be like the genisis furs, it's the most dominant so unless you were breeding a cocoberry and a plum i am confused how you got a cocoberry and really really woud love to see the peidigree
(raises hand) I am curious as well. I birthed a white girl yesterday (instead of the blue or orange) and bought a white boy from Ivy to (hopefully) strengthen his whisker shape and maybe pull what should be hidden from his mom, and avoid the downgrade in fur color. The lindens spent is good but I am still curious to know if the color strategy was good or not.
Loving the cattery! Thank you KittyCatS!
Thanks given by: | |
03-22-2016, 03:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2016 04:47 PM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: How are the Confetti kitties going for you?
My thinking does not preclude a 9T Confetti. I think it's highly unlikely, but it's certainly possible, even if you're only breeding Confetti Starters.
While I can see the logic behind fabio's model of how Confetti produce offspring, I don't think it's correct.
The experimental evidence I have shows that the odds of receiving a Confetti offspring from a pair of Confetti parents is quite a bit higher the 1-in-4 .. more like 1-in-10, but recently I've begun to think it may be a bit lower: perhaps 1-in-8.
It seems to me that fabio is cherry-picking his data to show his 1-in-4 odds.
Here is my methodology:
Select only Female Confetti in Charm's Pedigree roster.
For each, pull up their Pedigree to view their offspring.
For each offspring, pull up it's parentage to ensure the father was also a Confetti.
If the father was NOT Confetti, ignore the offspring (Charm, it turned out rarely makes this error).
If the father was Confetti, count the offspring as either Confetti or not, as appropriate.
When done divide the total offspring (sum of both Confetti and non-Confetti from a Confetti pair) by the number of Confetti offspring.
Charm's average, over time, when I do this varies from 1-in-6 to 1-in-12; the mid-point is 1-in-10 so that's where I get my number.
Has Charm had mothers who produced several Confetti? Yes, a few. I think her record is 5 out of 13.
Has Charm had mothers who produced NO Confetti? Yes, a few, too. I think her record is 0-of-12.
That I can put those numbers together and get 1-in-5 (close enough to Fabio's 1-in-4) tells us nothing because that's 'cherry-picked' data.
So, fabio .. across all your Confetti mothers (eliminating the mistakes where the father was not also Confetti) how many total boxes have you received and how many of those have been Confetti?
As to a White (coco) appearing from a pair of non-White parents .. every one of those, when actually checked, turned out to be memory errors .. one of the parents was actually a White confetti.
Oh, and I do NOT think the Confetti population will ever die out since there will always be Confetti Starters.
What I am saying, though, is that if you're trying to avoid getting Confetti Starters, and avoid purchasing, you eventually won't get enough offspring to continue. But, everyone buys, and several of you are like Fabio and run over for new Confetti Starters; so we'll always have Confetti cats around.
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