I tried my best to get a Mega Wild Child but alas my flowers were stubborn, so I propose a trade of all three Wild Child boxes, one of which has Bengal Tawny fur under it, for a Wild Child Mega. I am trying to expand my Mega Collection so the state of the Mega makes no difference, live/sick etc.
Thank you for your time and help in this manner. If there are more details to the trade you want to discuss I am open to that as well. Just IM me (offlines should go to email) or send me a PM here as I check it very often. thank you again.
http://gyazo.com/d628a65e75c8e08be01eafb8dc32c3e3 --bengal tawny under
I'm trying to get it as a present to one of my sisters, thank you.
I also have the following boxes that can be added to the trade if interested;
? Burmese - Blue Odyssey Slush (Curious| Big) Natural Mysterious Genesis White (Mysterious) Normal
? Burmese - Blue Odyssey Slush (Curious| Big) Natural Genesis Genesis Silver (Mysterious) Normal
? Burmese - Blue Odyssey Slush (Curious| Big) Natural Mysterious Rounded White (Guitar) Normal
? Chateau Cat - Grey & White No. 2 Odyssey Rainbow (Curious| Big) Natural Frisky Genesis White (Guitar) Normal
? Foxie - Blondie Blue Ice (Curious| Big) Flair Genesis Mysterious Silver (Guitar) Normal
? Ocicat - Ebony Silver Odyssey Sorbet (Curious| Small) Illume Genesis Mysterious 2 Tone Black & White (Guitar) Normal
? Ocicat - Ebony Silver Plum (Curious| Big) Natural Curious Genesis White (Guitar) Normal