We all know the freaks come out at night, and sometimes we need a break from being super polite.
Join ÄnarchyღHale and ~Icy~ every 4th Friday at 8PM SLT for an Adult only auction where no one is required to be on their 'best' behavior. [But security does bite]
There will be wonderful Cats to buy, themed raffles, contests, and even
Monthly Potions that you all can brew and enjoy with us while we talk about kitties, let our frustrations out, and have some fun.
Although adult we will not be having any.... inappropriate interruptions. It's just a fun auction for us to kick back and be ourselves. So leave the kids at home and stop by for a spell!
Next Auction Date: April 23rd
Contests during the auction
Event theme/Best dressed: Celestial
♂ Raffle Kitty
Fur: HeLL-O-Kitteh! - faLLen AngeLS! - Glory
Eyes: Galaxy Moon (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Fallen Special - Darker
Tail: Devil
Ears: Horns
Whiskers: Swirl Ghost (Shape: Plush)
Size: Teacup
Version: 1.58
ID: 0d1bc5e7-b1ca-fe35-d151-3032f6dc07af
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?79f2c7c0-0308655-79962
Patron contests
Best Decorated Panel will also be getting a prize!
Secondlife Taxi Link
SNEAK PEAK to our lineup!
![[Image: Blue_and_Yellow_Greeting_Eid_al-Fitr___E...m_Post.gif]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815369010534940702/834199212119162890/Blue_and_Yellow_Greeting_Eid_al-Fitr___End_of_Ramadan_Instagram_Post.gif)