Update if you are out of food
If you are about out of food and have cats IN WORLD about to get hungry or already hungry, please file a ticket as follows:
1. Write NEED FOOD in the title
2. Include the SLURL to your land (open your SL map while on your land, click Copy SLurl, and paste with CTRL-V into
3. Make sure Kitten Longmeadow can access your land to rez items and run scripts (this means add her to security, turn on rezzing, etc.)
If your cats are in the cattery and need need food, we're not able to help with that yet. Please know that if your cats get sick as a result of these issues, we WILL help you with them once we are able to!
We're sorry this is happening and we want you to know we're doing our best to try help! Thank you so much for your patience!
There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!