Since I did a roundup for the summer accomplishments, I think it would be good to start a new one for Autumn.
Things not showing on the Main Saga Chart are rolled over from the Summer list.
For eyes, this list starts form 10/10/16 so updates start from that day
(discrepencies between the forum and Saga's charts are noted. If only Saga's is noted it means Saga's and the forum thread matches):
Change on list: when Saga and thread matches and something shows as Placed, I am placing it below the list of eyes needing placing and above the update history to keep things cleaner.
Update: 11/29/16 Odyssey Galactic recessive to Grape Ice; 11/29/16 Galaxy Orbit is dominant to Odyssey Kaleidescope; 11/30/16 Frost proven recessive to Canary, placing Frost between Canary and Mercury; 11/30/16 Soul Sparkle dominant to Tapestry Allure
Note: There is a new
Dominance chart based on the forum. I haven't put their chart on this list because they are fast -- usually update within 24 hours of a good dominance proof posting on the thread. So any discrepency between them and this list is usually me lagging behind. Saga is listed because usually there is a time lag between a chart showing here and being recorded there. The New Domiance chart is a spreadsheet with tabs, first tab is intro, then you'll see the other tabs for eyes, fur, other, confetti, and gen fur&eyes.
Autumn Leaf
Saga's charts says: dominant to Double-Dip Flora and 10/16 recessive to Morning Glory
Thread: 9/5/16 recessive to Morning Glory
Exotic Treasure for placement
Saga's charts says: Cognac is recessive to Full Moon and 11/24/16 dominant to Pewter; 11/29/16 Cognac dominant to Twilight
Saga's charts says: Odyssey Crush is dominant to Pewter & Cognac
Thread: Cognac recessive to Odyssey Crush; 11/8/16 recessive to Crystal Crush; 11/26/16 dominant to Twilight
Odyssey Cognac Moon for placement
Crystal Crush
Saga's charts says: recessive to Full Moon; 11/23 dominant to Cognac
Thread: 9/3 Odyssey Crush placed between Full Moon and Odyssey Cognac Moon; 9/5 dominant to Odyssey Cognac Moon; 11/8/16 dominant to Cognac
Odyssey Crush for placement
Crystal Clear
Saga's chart Places Crystal Clear between Crystal Dream and Odyssey Burst in written notation
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"
Crystal Dream
Saga's chart Places Crystal Dream between Crystal Sea and Crystal Clear in written notation
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"
Crystal Sea
Saga's chart
Places between Crystal Sun and Crystal Dream in written notation[/color]
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"
Crystal Spring
Saga's chart: between Key Lime and Odyssey Burst
Thread: 10/16 Crystal Spring is recessive to Crystal Dream
Crystal Sun
Saga's chart: between Key Lime and Crystal Sea
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"
Crystal Sun placed between Malachite and Crystal Sea
Saga's charts says: recessive to Crystal Berry and 11/24/16 dominant to Mercury
Thread: 9/19/16 Frost is dominant to Mercury; 11/30/16 Frost proven recessive to Canary,
placing Frost between Canary and Mercury
Galaxy Comet
Thread: 11/19/16 Galaxy Comet dominant to Odyssey Bellini
Galaxy Moon
Saga's charts says: dominant to Violet and 10/16 recessive to Strawberry Bellini
Thread: 9/2 Galaxy Moon recessive to Strawberry Bellini 10/24 dominant to Odyssey Kaleidescope
Fancie Purple Diamond for placement
Galaxy Nebula
Saga's charts says: 11/22/16 Galaxy Nebula dominate to Fancie Indigo Diamond
Thread: 11/14/16 Galaxy Nebula dominant to Fancie Indigo Diamond; 11/26/16 Galaxy Nebula is recessive to Pomegranate
Galaxy Orbit
Saga's chart: 11/28/16 dominant to Onyx and recessive to Tapestry Harvest
Thread: 11/14/16 recessive to Tapestry Harvest; 11/29/16 dominant to Odyssey Kaleidescope
Odyssey Adore
Saga's charts says: 8/25 update: Odyssey Adore dominant to Odyssey Fire & Rain; 11/22/16 Odyssey Adore recessive to Canary
Thread: 11/17/16 recessive to Canary
Mercury, Starry Baby Blues
Odyssey Cognac Wine
Saga's charts says: dominant to Bronze and recessive to Double Dip Flora and Odyssey Crush
Thread: 9/3 Odyssey Crush placed betwen Full Moon and Odyssey Cognac Moon. Odyssey Cognac Wine is now between Odyssey Crush and Bronze
Odyssey Cognac Moon, Twilight, Pewter, Morning Dew, Pomegranate
Odyssey Galatic
Thread: 11/28/16 Odyssey Galactic dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond; 11/29/16 Odyssey Galactic recessive to Grape Ice
Odyssey Slush
Saga's charts says: dominant to Mercury and 11/3 recessive to Crystal Berry
Thread: 10/23 recessive to Crystal Berry
Canary for placement
Saga's charts says: recessive to Jade and 10/16 dominant to Double Odyssey Love
Thread: 9/3/16 dominant to Double Odyssey Love; 10/26 recessive to Royal Sapphire
Tapestry Organica, Prismatic
Soul Sparkle
Thread: 11/30/16 Soul Sparkle dominant to Tapestry Allure
Soul Whisper
Saga: 11/29/16 - Soul Whisper * NEW MOST RECESSIVE EYE- 1 more independent proof needed.
Thread: 11/28/16 Soul Whisper
placed recessive to Galaxy Star
Sparkle Dream
Saga's charts says: 10/16 recessive to Bronze and 11/25/16 dominant to Lemon
Thread: 11/17/16 recessive to Crystal Berry; 11/22/16 dominant to Lemon
Tapestry Allure
Saga's charts says: dominant to Full Moon, and 11/25/16 recessive to Gerbera Pink
Thread: 11/17/16 recessive to Gerbera Pink
Gerbera Purple for placement
Tapestry Reef
Saga's charts says: Nov 22: Tap Reef
PLACED dominate to Ody Fire & Rain and recessive to Starry Baby Blues
Saga's charts says: dominant to Strawberry Bellini and recessive to Odyssey Rainbow
Light Wash for placement
Placed Eyes: Saga Charts and Thread matches
Exotic Seas
Saga's charts says: 10/22 Exotic Seas is placed between Ody Wonder and Fancie Indigo Diamond
Thread: 10/5/16 Exotic Seas is placed between Ody Wonder and Fancie Indigo Diamond
Galaxy Burst
Saga's charts says: Galaxy Burst placed recessive to Exotic Journey and 11/25/16 dominant to Galaxy Star
Thread: 7/26/16:
Placed between Exotic Journey and Galaxy Star.
Galaxy Sun
Saga's charts says: 10/22 Galaxy Sun is placed between Odyssey Bellini and Grotto
Thread: 8/1 Galaxy Sunis placed between Odyssey Bellini and Grotto
Galaxy Trip
Saga's charts says: 11/24/16 placed dominant to Violet and 11/7 recessive to Jade
Thread: 10/14 dominant to Violet; 11/2/16 Galaxy Trip recessive to Jade, placing[ Galaxy Trip between Jade and Violet
Saga's charts says: 11/24/16 Malachite PLACED dominant to Crystal Sun and recessive to Key Lime
Thread: 8/11/16 Placed between Key Lime and Crystal Sun
Saga's charts says: placed 10/16 dominant to Tranquility and 11/25/16 recessive to Onyx
Thread: 9/10/16 Placed between Onyx and Tranquility
Odyssey Crush
Saga's charts says: 10/16 placed recessive to Full Moon and dominant to Odyssey Cognac Moon.
Thread: 9/3/16 Odyssey Crush placed between Full Moon and Odyssey Cognac Moon
Saga's charts says:11/7/16 update: Placed between Morning Dew and Bronze
Placed 8/7/16: Pomegranate is between Morning Dew and Bronze
Saga's charts says: 11/7/16 placed between Odyssey Burst and Ice Crystal
Thread: 9/14/16 Serenity is recessive to Ody Burst
placing it between Odyssey Burst and Ice Crystal
Saga's charts says: 10/22 placed between Ody Cognac Moon and Pewter
Thread: 10/15 placed between Ody Cognac Moon and Pewter
Update history:
10/14 Galaxy Trip dominant to Violet
10/15 Twilight placed between Ody Cognac Moon and Pewter
10/15 Galaxy Trip recessive to Strawberry Bellini
10/16 Crystal Spring is recessive to Crystal Dream
10/23 Odyssey Slush recessive to Crystal Berry
10/24 Galaxy Moon is dominant to Odyssey Kaleidescope
10/26 Pumpkin is recessive to Royal Sapphire
10/27 Galaxy Trip is recessive to Odyssey Kaleidescope
11/2/16 Galaxy Trip recessive to Jade, placing Galaxy Trip between Jade and Violet
11/8/16 Cognac is recessive to Crystal Crush
11/14/16 Galaxy Orbit recessive to Tapestry Harvest
11/14/16 Galaxy Nebula dominant to Fancie Indigo Diamond
11/17/16 Tapestry Allure recessive to Gerbera Pink
11/17/16 Odyssey Adore recessive to Canary
11/17/16 Sparkle Dream recessive to Crystal Berry
11/19/16 Soul Sparkle dominant to Jade
11/19/16 Galaxy Comet dominant to Odyssey Bellini
11/21/16 Galaxy Orbit dominant to Onyx
11/21/16 Soul Whisper recessive to Exotic Journey
11/22/16 Sparkle Dream dominant to Lemon
11/22/16 Saga's charts updates Tap Reef placed between Starry Baby Blues and Odyssey Fire & Rain
11/26/16 Galaxy Nebula is recessive to Pomegranate
11/26/16 Cognac is dominant to Twilight
11/27/16 Odyssey Galactic dominant to Moss
11/28/16 Soul Whisper placed recessive to Galaxy Star
11/28/16 Odyssey Galactic dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond
11/29/16 Odyssey Galactic recessive to Grape Ice
11/29/16 Galaxy Orbit is dominant to Odyssey Kaleidescope
11/30/16 Frost proven recessive to Canary, placing Frost between Canary and Mercury
11/30/16 Soul Sparkle dominant to Tapestry Allure
Note: the lineup between Gerbera Purple and Canary now looks like this with confirmed proofs:
Gerbera Purple(Ret)
Full Moon
Odyssey Crush
Odyssey Cognac Moon
Morning Dew (Ret)
Crystal berry