WANTED:Male American Shorthair - Blue & White
I am looking to purchase a KittyCats kitty that closely resembles my RL cat, Dixon. He does not have to be breedable. He can be any age from unborn kitten to retired age.
FUR: American Shorthair - Blue & White
EYES: Any of the following - Changing Leaf, Double Dip Flora, Dry Olive, Fancie Green Diamond, Galaxy Burst, Morning Dew, Tapestry Organica
SHADE: Any of the following - Natural, Porcelain
TAIL: Any of the following - Posh, Fussy, Plush, Mysterious, Chic
EARS: Any of the following: Genesis, Mysterious, Curious
WHISKERS: Any whiskers EXCEPT - stubby, frazzled or light wave
SIZE: Normal
If you have the perfect kitty for me, please IM me in world. Jaxynn (giovanna.mapochi) so I can see your kitty and we can talk price!
Thank you in advance to all that check their catteries.