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Crazy Town Auction with Donna and Rayne!
03-24-2016, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2016 09:26 AM by Rayne Morningstar.)
Post: #1
Crazy Town Auction with Donna and Rayne!
Friday Evening @ 6pm - Crazy Town Auction with Donna and Rayne!
This Auction has 16 Panels!
For up to date information click here!
Your Taxi Here!

You tired of the same old auction on Friday nights? Well so are we. Donna and Rayne Presents Crazy Town Auction!

Current Line Up

This Month is Fugly Auction! We have 16 panels of the most adorable Fugly Cats! But wait Here is the twist. We do not know what is on the panels! That's right only the sellers know and every panels is 300L Opening Bid! So other people's Fugly could be your Treasure! so come on down to the Crazy Town Auction!

Raffle Boards!

✯ There is no Raffle Board this week but After the auction there will be a Dance Party with DJ Donna to celebrate Rayne's Rezday! 9 years in SL! so come down and party!

So come on down and take a look!

Rayne Morningstar
Auctioneer at Too Adorable
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 Thanks given by: SolarPrincessKagime Resident , Revan Salamander , OooDonnaooO Resident , veronika Darkwatch
03-24-2016, 08:58 PM
Post: #2
RE: Crazy Town Auction with Donna and Rayne!
Cant wait, its going to be a great event!
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 Thanks given by: veronika Darkwatch
03-25-2016, 09:58 AM
Post: #3
RE: Crazy Town Auction with Donna and Rayne!
Going to be so much fun, can't wait till later!

Angel Nika...KittyCatS is more than an Addiction, its an Obsession!
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04-28-2016, 09:26 AM
Post: #4
RE: Crazy Town Auction with Donna and Rayne!
Bumpage for the Fugly Auction!

Rayne Morningstar
Auctioneer at Too Adorable
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