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Some suggestions
03-01-2011, 01:53 PM
Post: #1
Rainbow Some suggestions
Hi guys,

First off I want to say how much I love my KittyCats. I've never been interested in breedables before but am totally won over by these! Heart

I wanted to enquire as to whether the technical team had any plans to integrate other interactions and features in the future? I would love my cats to have some of the features the AIF pets do, for example, being able to give my cat a bath, dress them up, have them play with toys, etc. I would also love it for my kitties to be able to interact with other cats and other people, so perhaps someone could click on my cat and have a 'pet' option, this is something else the AIF pets have.

I know it is early days for KittyCats, and am sure you guys are busy, but wanted to give some ideas on what would make my kitties even more fun to have!

Take care! Smile
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03-01-2011, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2011 02:29 PM by KittyCat Princess.)
Post: #2
RE: Some suggestions
thank you libby for your kind words and suggestions!

we do have LOTS of plans for all sorts of things for the future... but i can't say what or when...

yes, it is our early days... Smile and thank you so much again for your kind words and input. we do plan more things that will allow different interactions but again, not sure how those will play out.

hope to meet you in world sometime!
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07-24-2016, 09:05 PM
Post: #3
A Suggestion
Hi Everyone,

I'm pretty new to Kitty Cats, but am totally addicted to them! I really love my Kitty's and all that you have done to them to make them so realistic.I know a lot of hard work has gone into them and am sure we KittyCats Lovers appreciate your efforts. I know I do! I put some boxes and live Cats in the Cattery for the first time today. I put a good amount of money in for for the live Cats (which are all on no breed at the moment) for food. I asked the question in chat if since I have a good balance in the Cattery for more food when needed if the Cattery would take money from my balance in the Cattery to replenish the food or would I have to watch it? And was told I would have to add more food when it is gone. I wanted to suggest if it's not too difficult to do, having a k dollars area or whatever specifically for food that you could fill up that would automatically take the money from your balance and add food as needed. That way if you where away from SL for a bit the cats wouldn't run out of food or become sick. I personally have a health issue that does sometimes take me away for a bit and it would be a relief to know that my live Kitty's would never be without food. I always keep plenty of food out for my Kitty's at home in the event that might happen and was thinking it might be something that could help others and myself who haveShy Kitty's in the Cattery. Just a suggestion .. Thanks for reading and Thank you again for our precious KittyCats!
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 Thanks given by: Oselkhandro Resident
07-24-2016, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2016 10:14 PM by Oselkhandro Resident.)
Post: #4
RE: Some suggestions
I agree with Rhyannon. It would be helpful to have more convenience in the Cattery. It would help me if there were a way to add K$ to the Cattery without logging into SL. I often go to the Cattery from my iPad (which cannot do SL). It would help if money could be added via Paypal or some such venue.

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[Image: Oselkhandro_Resident]
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 Thanks given by: Ellen Ireland
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