(07-28-2015 08:51 PM)Ayame Meili Wrote: I tend to like when the breeds stick to the RL standards and the Australian Mist comes in two patterns - Spotted or Marbled And Seven Colors - Brown, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Caramel, Gold or Peach.
Its SL why can't they be more fun?
Why does it have to be so standard?
Why can't it just be more fun to make new breeds that aren't in rl?
What if I want a kitty that is pink with purple polka dots?
And if we go RL standards alone almost every eye on the charts would be non-exsistant, most of the whiskers, and ears too.
They also wouldn't be farting butterflies or Mega Pusses to ride.
Its SL it should be fun and full of imagination too....