Let's have a live swap auction at the Lane
June 26, 2015
Bring some of your lives that don't have mates, are older or that you can't use in your own projects any more.
We will each put one up on a panel, no charge for panel ( tips appreciated)
I will talk about the cat on each panel,
You can bid by putting up a box, or a live cat, or a bid in Lindens......
which ever you prefer to do trade or pay
We will let the owner of each cat decide what they want to do
weather they are willing to take a trade offered , or Lindens offered or nothing.
It might be fun, it might be a mess
We might actually find some girls if we need em
or boys, if we need them.
Let's try it out and see what happens!
Limit 8 cats traded, if we have more time we can do more
Looking forward to see you all at The Lane.