This week featuring Ebony & Ivory... these full sibs with gorgeous onyx eyes make such an adorable pair!
Also this week we have a darling Chic Tail baby named Yordana....
And one more picture of Cattee, a Foxie Red Mask with Fancie Green Diamond Eyes...
More of tonight's Line-up:
M 6T AussieMist Fawn Blush SilverDreamy
M 9T AmerShorthair Red&White Tabby TapReef Porc PSF 2TBWMys
M 9T ChatCat Pink&White FullMoon Fllash Posh SoftCurl BlondeStreakedMys
M & F Ebony and Ivory full sibs (See above pic) Bengal black and Foxie Salt&
Pepper Onyx
F 8T AussieMist LtChocMarble ExoticBreeze Flair PSF BlondeStreaked Plush
F 6T Foxie Salt&Pepper GenMeadow Chic ORBB BlackDreamy
F 9T BengalBlack ExoticBreeze Twinkle Shorty MOF WhiteBooBooo
F 7T+1 Petite Foxie RedMask FancieGreenDmd Illume Shorty SilverMys
H FlameStubby, Blush & PSF
F 9T SnowshoeCream CrystalDream Twinkle Puff MOF Latte Dreamy
Fun, laughter, prizes and great cats!!!
See You There! )