Special SuNday Sauce 6pm w/Nika & Rev @ The ScratchN Post
SuNday Sauce @ 6pm Sundays w/Nika & Rev
Special SuNday Sauce AuctioN w/ Nika & Rev SuNdays @ 6pm @ The ScratchN Post
What flavour will this SuNday's Sauce be???
This weeks flavor is "bunch o'niners"... essentially meaning all kitties will be 9 traited, so prepare yourself for the traitfest rollercoaster ride!
Panel 6:
9T Chat Black & White No.1 Azure.... Moooooeoowww!
Panel 7:
9T Aby Dark Chocolate Onyx
Panel 8:
Naughty Kitty! - Naughty Abby Girl
Panel 9:
9T Bengal Black Oceania
Panel 10:
9T Chat Black & White No.1 Grotto... Moooooeoowww!
N Panel:
9T Russian Black Fire
V Panel:
9T Australian Mist Lilac Twilight
9T Foxie Salt and Pepper Fancie Rose Diamond http://gyazo.com/22e5d4b99b8f31dab474ca9187dab7a3
The Raffle is only 99L to enter and already running, you do not need to be there to win so come and enter now!!!
Updated, just one kitty to complete the lineup! Gyazo's to follow later today
Updated, just one kitty to complete the lineup! Gyazo's to follow later today