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KittyCatz Showcase St. Patrick's Day Maze with Gifts!
03-17-2015, 04:28 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015 04:38 AM by SavageR0SE Resident.)
Post: #1
KittyCatz Showcase St. Patrick's Day Maze with Gifts!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
The devious minds at KittyCatz Showcase have created just for YOU
a Fun Way for to CELEBRATE ...

[Image: ShowcaseStPatsMazeEntrance_zpspgfoodzx.jpg]

Run the St. Paddy's Maze to the center and find the hidden room!

[Image: WhichWayNowMaze_zpsjfgp985b.jpg]

Grab a St. Paddy's Hat and a mug of green beer and sit down to relax.

[Image: HiddenRoom_zpsq4qufxvk.jpg]

In the corner is a pot of gold with golden coins filled with chocolate....
Touch to get your treat! The Leprechaun guards a special bit of a GIFT from
KittyCatz Showcase. Don't forget to kiss the Blarney Stone before you go!

[Image: LeprechaunNgift_zps7hvhxrnu.jpg]

Find your way to the EXIT and you've beat our Maze!
Hint: Are you "Lucky"? It will be easy if so. ;)

[Image: exitmaze_zpsvoqgu9bt.jpg]

PS Don't forget to wear GREEN.... You may get a Pinch if you are caught
in the Maze without it! ;)

Entrance/Starting Point to the St. Patrick's Day Maze here:

Still looking for more to do? Check out our St. Patrick's Day Exhibit & Contest
at KittyCatz Showcase. There is a 9t Raffle Kitty going there as well! $ 25L a try!
Our Showcase Members have their store landmarks up and some of their kittens
on display showing off their breeding talents, take a stroll around Showcase to see!

[Image: StpatsExhibit1_zpsmrjhqgis.jpg]

[Image: StPatsRaffle_zpshwnio2k0.jpg]

At Ground Level is the SavageR0SE 9t KittyCatS Store in an oriental paradise!
And on Sunday at 1 pm we have our first Auction at Showcase Oasis! YAY!!!
Feel free to check it all out...
Use the Teleporter to find your way around exploring and Have Fun! :))))

Hugs from SavageR0se and all the Showcase "Gang"

[Image: ShowcaseOasisPatronAuctionSign_zps1kbdobnh.jpg]

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03-17-2015, 06:48 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015 06:55 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #2
RE: KittyCatz Showcase St. Patrick's Day Maze with Gifts!
My girl saw the maze when she was there with me looking at my new panel, and we were wondering what you were up to. This explains at lot! :-)

I'm not much for beer, but I love the Pot o' Gold Chocolates!

And thanks again for the panel & the great new concept!


* * *
The Magick Cattery

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03-17-2015, 05:36 PM
Post: #3
Smile RE: KittyCatz Showcase St. Patrick's Day Maze with Gifts!
awww thats so cute there - i ran around and checked out every way just for fun Big Grin - but when you want have a short way -grins- just check the pictures above really really careful - Rose already showed the way, you need just to look careful ...

Thank youuuuu Rose for this event - i love it and i love the St.Paddy Maze hahaha
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03-17-2015, 07:23 PM
Post: #4
Smile RE: KittyCatz Showcase St. Patrick's Day Maze with Gifts!
here i sent a picture Wink this frame you can get or another Big Grin
different pictures you can fill in and get a cute useful album Rolleyes


(sorry but this stupid InsertHyperlink button doesnt work - i get always [undefined=undefined] -- same with Insert Picture - hahahahahaha
please check the link - its a picture Smile
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