? Russ White Mint Julep Soft Fold - 9T PURE Normal
? Beng Black Ody Bellini, Boo Boo Tail, Soft Fold, Blonde Streak - 9T Pure Normal
? Russian Black Blacklight Porcelain Boo Boo 2 Tone - 9T mix
- Carries Foxie S&P/Choc whisk - Normal
? Foxie S&P Light Wash, PURE Posh, Tail, Pointed Soft Fold, Plush Whisker - 9T mix
- Carries 9T Aby Creme parents - gorgeous kitty!!! - Normal
? Chat Blk Wht 3 Fancie Indigo Mys Cur 2Tone(Mys) 7T Pure - Normal
? Pandie Plat Mint Julep Glit Cur Cur 2Tone(Mys) 9T mix - Normal
- carries 9T Siam Choc w/ Choc Whisker!
? Ocicat Black Platinum Twink Frisk DrkChoc(BooBoo) 7T Pure
- hides serenity, light wave - Normal
? Oci Ebony Silv Caramel Flr Plsh Rnd Wht(Mys) 8T mix
- carries Oci Blue, Royal Sapphire - hides prismatic - Normal
? Oci Black Platinum Nat Gen SftFld Dark Choc(Dreamy) 7T mix - Normal
Boxed Genesis:
? Gen Domino IV BBB Black (Swanky) 5T mx - LOOKS AMAZING
- carries pandie plat, tap reef, ody no. 2
? Gen Dom IV 3T - Scarecrow Parents - Malachite sibling
? Genesis - Domino IV 2T - possible Malachite hider
-(scarecrow parents, malachite sib)
? Genesis - Flame IV Sassy Whisker - 1T P (scarecrow parents)
? Gen Smokey Passion 4T P
? Gen Smokey Passion 3T P
? Genesis - Coco III - Carries Chat Pink White, Pink Ice, Glitter!
Coming Soon:
More Boo Boo, Swanky, Dreamy, Light Wave Whiskers (not white)
Siam Choc Tortie
Aby Dark Choc
ASH Silver
ASH Silver White
Bengal Silver
Full Moon eyes
Pandie Flame
The Catbird Seat
Main Store
A Little Bit of Everything - WINTER KITTIES