I have fancie dusky diamonds ...
1 bali cream
1 russian black
1 bali lilac
2 or 3 ocicat lavenders
2 or 3 ocicat blues
But I didn't own the grandparents of the ocicats -- i bought the parents
Mumbles ... Never regret buying a nice set of parents, right? what's the stigma? I would do it again if i had the opportunity *grin*. Oh okay, i get it. Anyway I'll try to send you pedigrees inworld when i get back in there. (my usual screenshot gadget is broken tonight)
As for Jade, ... I have plenty (looks like 20 boxes) but not sure which ones to send pedigrees of. If you have other preferences that would help narrow it down. Bali Cream, Bengal Snow, one Burmese Blue, 2 chateau cocoa & white, 2 chateau slate & white, 4 smokeys & a maine coon plush calico.
My favorite is a genesis smokey with jade eyes and fussy whiskers ... it's a megapuss in my shop at Vygg. But depends on what you would be using it for. You might want a fur on the kitty.
? 6T +3 Megapuss Smok...
Fur: Genesis - Smokey III
Eyes: Jade (Mysterious|Big)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Curious
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: Silver (Fussy)
Size: MegaPuss
Then this one must also be at my shop because it's not in cattery ...
? 7T +1 Bali Cream Gi...
Fur: Balinese - Cream Lynx
Eyes: Jade (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Odyssey Rounded Fold
Whiskers: Silver (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
looks like that one is mis-labeled on the box because its name is "8T +1 etc" - maybe that's why no one bought it.