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NEW Furs! Hottest and Most Wanted!! UPDATE
03-03-2014, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2014 02:01 PM by Beryl Landar.)
Post: #1
NEW Furs! Hottest and Most Wanted!! UPDATE
9T Male Pandie Plat w/ Ody Bellini eye! - LIVE - precious! - SOLD!

3T LIVE Male Maine Coon Silver Torti, PSF ears, Plush shape whiskers!

4T PURE LIVE Male Maine Coon Silver Torti - Twinkle! - hides chocolate whiskers!!

4T PURE Boxed Male Maine Coon Silver Torti - Ody Burst eye! PSF ears! CHOCOLATE Whiskers! - WOW!

3T PURE Boxed Male Snowsh Cream w/ Platinum eyes! Plush whiskers!

7T PURE Bengal Blk Mercury PSF Plush! - SOLD!

7T PURE Snowsh Cream Ody Sublime PSF ears!

6T Bengal Blk Stubby WILD TIGER !! - SOLD!


Judy's 9T Kitten Store

The Catbird Seat ~ Happily breeding since November 2013.
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