Hello everyone!
Like most of my fellow KittyCats addicts I love to walk around carrying a kitty on my shoulder (I prefer this as it never interferres with any kind of walking animation ^^ ) and there's one thing I notice and it bugs me a little bit:
Whenever I attach the kitty it jumps into its default position, which doesn't fit my avatar's shape at all. So I move the kitty around so it can sit safe and comfortable on my shoulder. But whenever I crash or drop the kitty and take it back on my shoulder it jumps back in its default position, so I have to move it again, which - especially since I crash often - gets a little annoying.
So, my question is: Is it posible to have the kitties memorize its position from the last cuddling/attaching? Please? *puppyeyes*
Last but not least: The new update rocks! You guys rock!!!
PS: What happens to a kitty I'm cuddling when I log off? Will it be treated like a kitty that's in inventory and go hungry while I'm offline? Just in case, you know. SL's known to play mean tricks on you every here and then.