I'm selling my cats at the newish cat store called Les Palissades. It's set up by breed, not store owners, so it's REALLY easy to shop for what you want. Here's what I have for sale today:
2G Cream Tabby, Mysterious Ears F
Red Tabby Purple Rain Mysterious Eyes F
Red & White Tabby, Small Pupils M
5 Traited Burmese Boy
Teacup Mysterious Forest Eyes, Small Pupils, Mysterious Ears M
Gerbera Purple Mysterious Eyes F
Pure Snowshoe Lilac, Mysterious eyes, Curious Ears F
2 Bengal Sorrel Boys, one 2G, one with Grape Ice Eyes
Grape Ice Cocoa & White Chateau F
Pure Siamese Seal with Oceania Mysterious Eyes F
Snow Shoes and Bengal Charcoal in the Bargain Bin