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Kitties for sale.
06-03-2011, 05:52 PM
Post: #1
Kitties for sale.
Lots of kitties~ Sorell's, Charcoal's, Sable's, Chateau's, Teacup's, Toy's, S&W/Creme Tabby's,
Small Pupils, Purple Rain, Grass, Blacklight, Gerbera Orange, Oceania, Porcelain, Pure Soft-Fold,
2nd & 3rd gens, Pure's, Lives & Kitten Boxes. Even a Box o' Kittie Boxes with lots of different
kitties in it. All prices Negotiable, just IM me with any offers. Pop in and give into the cute! ?

Also have a pair of still boxed Neko kitties out and a Full set of Lazy Dayzies up on a bid board
if anyone is looking for a full set, all but one is still in it's egg lol. High bid is currently 4250L,
and theres a little under 15hours left to get in a bid if interested.

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