
KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
06-18-2011, 07:20 PM
KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
hi All
As you may know, we (finally!) released the KittyCatS Pedigree!
The Pedigree information is FREE, as we want that everyone can have this information without paying for it 
While it works straightforward, i'll try to cover a general overview and some more detailed things.
At first, you have to Register for the KittyCatS Website.
This registration replaces any previous registration you did at our website, and allows you to access your KittyCatS Pedigree, forum and support.
To register, you first need to get a free KittyCatS Website terminal at our shop: http://slurl.com/secondlife/KittyCats/142/77/25
Rez it, Click it, and it will bring you to the registration form!
After registration you are instantly logged in, and can access the Pedigree, forum and support trough the website menu's.
GOOD TO KNOW: When you are registered, The KittyCatS in world terminal can be clicked anytime to log you in to the website automatically.
(if you live together with a friend, you can leave just one terminal out, it will bring anyone to its own KittyCatS Website login)
The Main Page of the Pedigree is a list with all your cats and boxes, their visible traits and eventual collars.
Cats send to the menagerie are not shown.
You can sort the list based on every column by clicking on top of it. ( A little arrow will show up to indicate which column is currently sorted, and if its ascending or descending.)
You can click every KittyCat or Box on the main page list which will take you to a detailed overview with the cats parents, grandparents and offspring (ofcourse, starter cats don't have parents, so they dont show any....). To not interupt breeding lines, KittyCatS living at the menagerie are shown here as well.
In case of special cats you will see the first genes here too, and the special edition will only be mentioned briefly, the same way it is for in world parental information...
The offspring shown is the offspring breeded by you with this cat, it doesn't show the breeds by previous owners.
Any cat you own in that overview can be clicked as well and will give you on its turn an overview of their pedigree tree.
I think this covers about everything, but if you have any more questions or suggestions, you can use the forum to do so!
Your KittyCatS Team
06-21-2011, 01:08 PM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
I'd like to suggest the ability to add a pic to a cat on the tree. Even if just a link to a flickr static url.
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06-22-2011, 05:33 PM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
Ooo I like that idea (the pics), although it would mostly be only us who would see our own kitty pics.
I really wish we could see other people's kitties. For example, I have some kitties that are more distantly related and wanted to see their relationship (and possible shared traits) better, so I had to contact the seller and ask her for all of the info. It would've been nice if I could pull it up myself. I understand that some people prefer privacy, but it could be an option (show pedigree info to others?).
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05-02-2012, 06:59 PM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
A picture is more than a thousand words... and we are happy to add PICTURES to your pedigree page!!! The CaTTery cats were so happy to be "seen" and the pedigree cats were like "hey what about us over here???" so of course, like everything we do, we listened to the little cats and now you can see them THERE too!!! yes, they are so spoiled! i bet next they will want Lobster Kibble.
So now... you can not only read the traits of your cat, but also see them
We made the layout simple to combine compactness & readability. Additionally we made the following adjustments to the pedigree overview:
? Names which are truncated can now be seen to the full in a hover tip when you move your mouse over it.
? Cats & Boxes can carry a "CaTTery" tag, meaning they are in the KittyCatS! CaTTery
? You can now see both the offspring you bred and the offspring you own.
? The menagerie tag (and by extension CaTTery tag) is no longer shown if you are not the owner of the cats, because of "sentimental" reasons.
We hope you enjoy this new addition, the cats promised us you would!!!
Thanks for all your continued support, enthsiasm and being such a great community!! Newbie and Old timers, you're the best.
Your KittyCatS! Team
05-03-2012, 01:04 AM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
I just woke up, and seen the new Pedigree, so pretty, and nice new features!!
Thanks KittyCatS !!!
FUn FUn !!!
Too Adorable a KittyCatS Breedable Market, Adoption & Love Tables, Collectables, Confetti - Since 2011
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05-03-2012, 01:48 AM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
Well this is only about 1000 times better than people seeing just that dull old scramble before.
Tysm KC, you're the best
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05-03-2012, 11:43 AM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
Wow such a lovely new pedigree <3
![[Image: o5e5bzt]](http://tinyurl.com/o5e5bzt)
Retro Kitties Showroom »
Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.
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05-03-2012, 02:17 PM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
I love the addition of photos.
With the addition of the Cattery, it will often be the only visual guide to the cats one owns.
As a result, I make a couple of suggestions:
- The pictures shown for Special Collection Cats are what they would appear like if they were normal starters, without the paint jobs. It would be more accurate, especially in light of the Cattery, if the paint-job coat where shown, instead.
- The eyes are fixed, by coat.
- Optional additions, such as hats, collar, etc, do not appear.
It is technologically possible to bake the correct eye color, and add optional features such as collars, 'on-the-fly'. This could mean a significant increase in computational overhead, but, given the extremely low cost of added computer power at most hosting sites, that should not be a problem. There might also be a slight increase in network traffic, also; but, given the way most caching schemes work (or fail to  ), that probably is not as large a consideration as the computational overhead. I suggest 'on-the-fly baking' as something to consider given that I expect we'll see a large movement from in-world to in-Cattery.
While minor features such as pupil size, eyelid shape, and ears show, errors in them are not nearly so pronounced as the coat, eye color, hats and collars. It might be nice, when baking on-the-fly, to correct those, but it may make the operation too complex and the costs may not be worth the gain. For now, I'd put them on the list to think about during design, but suggest implementation wait until we see if such minor changes in appearance have enough real demand to warrant the additional expenses.
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05-03-2012, 02:27 PM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
I absolutely LOVE this feature - thumbs up, KittyCatS
Only ONE little thing do I miss - tails! I wish we could also see the kitties' tails
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05-03-2012, 06:23 PM
RE: KittyCatS Pedigree & Website registration Released!
(05-03-2012 02:17 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: I love the addition of photos.
With the addition of the Cattery, it will often be the only visual guide to the cats one owns.
As a result, I make a couple of suggestions:
- The pictures shown for Special Collection Cats are what they would appear like if they were normal starters, without the paint jobs. It would be more accurate, especially in light of the Cattery, if the paint-job coat where shown, instead.
- The eyes are fixed, by coat.
- Optional additions, such as hats, collar, etc, do not appear.
It is technologically possible to bake the correct eye color, and add optional features such as collars, 'on-the-fly'. This could mean a significant increase in computational overhead, but, given the extremely low cost of added computer power at most hosting sites, that should not be a problem. There might also be a slight increase in network traffic, also; but, given the way most caching schemes work (or fail to ), that probably is not as large a consideration as the computational overhead. I suggest 'on-the-fly baking' as something to consider given that I expect we'll see a large movement from in-world to in-Cattery.
While minor features such as pupil size, eyelid shape, and ears show, errors in them are not nearly so pronounced as the coat, eye color, hats and collars. It might be nice, when baking on-the-fly, to correct those, but it may make the operation too complex and the costs may not be worth the gain. For now, I'd put them on the list to think about during design, but suggest implementation wait until we see if such minor changes in appearance have enough real demand to warrant the additional expenses.
I'm not sure what you're seeing, but other than the hats and collars, my cats look the same as they should (short of the shade and tails), with correct eye color, eye shape, pupil size and ear shape. The costumed ones show their costumes, including both specials and things like mardi gras kittens It's been this way since I first saw it last night when it went live.
Kitty Kollege Pawfessor, Kitty Kottage
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