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In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
09-14-2015, 01:42 PM
Post: #1
In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
Is there a location inworld where we can save pictures to our SL inventory of all the various eyes, furs, and other traits, without having to pay $10L per picture to upload pics from the website to our SL inventory? Thank you.

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09-18-2015, 07:28 PM
Post: #2
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?

Get one of those big flat screen TVs in SL that let you access websites.

I use one to show YOUTUBE videos.

Zoom in and takes pics off the screen!

[Image: DERKITTEHMILLlogosmallest.jpg]


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 Thanks given by: Ellen Ireland
09-22-2015, 02:29 AM
Post: #3
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
(09-18-2015 07:28 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote:  
Get one of those big flat screen TVs in SL that let you access websites.

I use one to show YOUTUBE videos.

Zoom in and takes pics off the screen!

From the price tags I have seen on some of those a screen grab and upload would be cheaper..lol

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 Thanks given by: Ellen Ireland
09-22-2015, 06:39 AM
Post: #4
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
I have a table and chair set that includes the option of sitting with a laptop. The laptop lets you access a browser. Small image though.

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 Thanks given by: Ellen Ireland
09-22-2015, 07:05 AM
Post: #5
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
I believe every prim can be set to media after which you can include an url.
Browsing is also possible via such prim.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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 Thanks given by: Ellen Ireland
09-22-2015, 01:47 PM
Post: #6
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
Kayleigh, I will look into how to do that. By the way, were all the old KittyCats Wikis absorbed into this Forum? The old ones don't seem to be updated any more.

(09-22-2015 07:05 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:  I believe every prim can be set to media after which you can include an url.
Browsing is also possible via such prim.

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09-22-2015, 08:12 PM
Post: #7
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
The Wiki pages are gone. It appears the domain name expired, and Ethereal has not been around for over a year. Kayleigh says she thought he had backups of the pages. If so, they could be recovered; but that means contacting Ethereal .. but, of course, he's not around anymore.
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09-23-2015, 02:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015 05:59 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #8
RE: In-world copies of eye and other trait pictures?
Yes Undecided

I am so sorry the site is down.
When I spoke with Ethereal when we were working on the Wiki and asked if I could make a fatale mistake he said no as he was keeping a backup after each upload to the site.

Tad, I have not seen him online either.
Yesterday I was checking the Wiki in world group and I saw he has recently logged though so I don't know.
I sure hope we can revive the Wiki because so much love and work went in it and it is also so useful for the community I think.

P.s. As far as updates for the Wiki goes it was on a voluntary basis so everyone could join and particpate in keeping the Wiki up to date.
So the Wiki thought was pretty much with this site just so it could become a community effort rather than something a few people did.
I sense this last part may be something Ethereal was disappointed in as there were not much people particpating besides less than a handful.
He really thought, he said in one of our last communications about the Wiki, he gave the community a Wiki concept and thought that people would be creative and active on the Wiki.
So noone could look to someone else for an update but might as well do it theirselves.
A few gave it a boost so there was some content to go from after which it was given back to the community.

If lack of particpation is the reason Ethereal quit the hosting, at this point, I surely understand that disappointment.
Knowing him he didn't trash the content he valued it way to much to do that.

An example is that I snapped and made most of the pages about the collectibles and made their graphics.
Which made sense because I was a very serious collector so I had them all till that point in time.
As years went by I quit collecting new collections so I am less informed about the new collectibles, their eventual special genes (LE traits), and I can't make a snapshot of them because I don't own them.
So these pages couldn't be updated by me anymore but there might be a collector of today who can and who could have updated the pages which were about collectible kitties.
This is an example why it is important the community had to chime in on the Wiki and get the feeling the Wiki was from everyone in the community.
To use as a reference but also to make informative pages about the KittyCatS we all love and care about.

Long story short I understand Eth unplugged Wiki when the domain he had for two years expired at this rate of interest to participate.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

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