None are marked with a price. I will be taking Serious Offers for the next 7 days. In world, and on here.
They are sick, but you only need to get a permapet jar in order to make them not sick anymore. If offers surpass a certain point I will buy the permapet myself.
Some of these are the Rarer of the kitties for these years, some are not. I take that into account with offers. I will put the offers here in this thread once I am given one.
If I fail to sell any they will be going to the menagerie. I had entirely too many cats unfortunately, and these must go so I can try to get other collection ones I want.
Once someone wins I will contact them in game, then place the cat for sale for them once they are available.
Please come here to see them in SL:
Click Here
Please click on image for a bigger picture.